Headout é um parceiro autorizado e confiável que oferece experiências selecionadas para esta atração.
Junte-se a um guia especializado para uma jornada profunda pela história de Pompeia.
Junte-se a um guia especializado para uma jornada profunda pela história de Pompeia.
Excelente visita guiada a Pompeia com um arqueólogo entusiasmado Nossa família de quatro pessoas participou do Pompeii Skip-the-Line Guided Tour with an Archaeologist em 11 de dezembro, e foi uma experiência inesquecível. O passeio foi conduzido por Teresa, uma arqueóloga entusiasmada e bem informada que deu vida a Pompeia com suas histórias e percepções. Caminhando por esse Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO, fomos cativados pela história da cidade que foi tragicamente soterrada por uma erupção vulcânica, mas maravilhosamente preservada ao longo dos séculos pelo trabalho de arqueólogos dedicados. Teresa compartilhou detalhes fascinantes sobre a vida cotidiana na antiga Pompeia, oferecendo um vislumbre do passado que foi enriquecedor e envolvente. A excursão foi bem ritmada, envolvente e realmente educativa. Saímos de lá com uma compreensão muito mais profunda da história de Pompeia e apreciando os esforços de preservação que nos permitem testemunhar essa incrível parte da história hoje. Este é um passeio obrigatório para quem visita a região! Altamente recomendado para famílias, entusiastas da história e qualquer pessoa curiosa para saber mais sobre a vida antes da erupção.
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Alfredo foi nosso guia e ele foi fabuloso. Informativo, rápido, mas reservou um tempo para responder às perguntas e observar os artefatos.
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Fizemos a visita guiada com meu pai em julho. Não tenho nada a dizer, foi ótimo. O guia era muito competente. Fomos aos pontos estratégicos do local e evitamos as multidões. Acho que o nome do nosso guia era Francesco. Foi uma ótima experiência e eu a recomendo.
Ver a avaliação original em francês
Eu recomendo essa experiência. A localização maravilhosa já nos faz sentir como se estivéssemos nos livros de história que tanto estudamos... depois, um guia muito bem informado e divertido.
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Nós adoramos Pompéia. Nosso guia Rafa foi excelente e divertido; aprendemos muito graças a ele de uma forma muito agradável. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho!
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O lugar é extraordinário. Foi fácil pegar a visita guiada. O ponto de encontro estava bem sinalizado e nosso guia que falava francês foi perfeito, fornecendo uma visão acessível e pontuando o passeio com anedotas e humor, com um conhecimento profundo de seu assunto. Ficamos encantados e recomendamos optar por uma visita guiada, que permite que você aproveite ao máximo o local. Seguimos a orientação de nossa guia e fomos ao museu arqueológico no dia seguinte, o que completou perfeitamente a visita. É muito bom fazer isso dessa forma, pois oferece uma boa lógica. É muito bom fazer dessa forma, faz sentido. Obrigado.
Ver a avaliação original em francês
Nossa guia turística era extremamente bem informada sobre Pompeia. Seu inglês era fantástico. Dava para perceber que ela havia adaptado o passeio para as faixas etárias do público, ela estava atenta ao conteúdo potencialmente inadequado do passeio e aconselhou os pais de acordo. Recomendaria muito!
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Fui logo pela manhã, às 09h00. As multidões eram insignificantes. Não estava vazio, mas foi fácil tirar boas fotos e chegar perto das coisas que você queria ver. Nossa guia foi incrível. Ela conseguiu manter meu filho de cinco anos interessado durante todo o tempo, até o ponto em que ele ficou chateado com a queda do fone de ouvido. Essa é minha única crítica, e não em relação a esse passeio ou à guia. O fone de ouvido fornecido é uma peça única, sem espuma ou borracha para ajudar a mantê-lo no lugar. É como o fone de ouvido original, e esses não são de tamanho único. Traga seus próprios fones de ouvido para menores de 12 anos.
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Gostamos muito da visita guiada a Pompeia, o guia era muito bom, um sonhador competente, adoramos!
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Nossa guia Maria Laura tornou nossa visita muito agradável e interessante. O lugar é incrível e são necessárias várias horas para aproveitá-lo ao máximo.
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Carmelo tornou o passeio mais interessante do que eu esperava! É um prazer fazer um tour com um profissional como ele. 5 estrelasaaaas
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Ficamos muito satisfeitos com a excursão Pompéia é muito maior do que esperávamos. Durante o passeio, as coisas mais importantes foram mostradas e explicadas com maestria. As perguntas foram respondidas imediatamente. Só podemos recomendar a excursão.
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O guia era bem informado e divertido, mas talvez um pouco apressado em alguns momentos. E o clima não ajudou muito, pois estava ventando e chovendo.
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Sem dúvida, recomendamos muito essa experiência. A guia em espanhol era um gênio, ela não economizou nas informações e foram duas horas de puro prazer!
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Conhecer Pompeia com Jennifer foi uma experiência fantástica. Muito profissional e dá para perceber que ela adora o que faz, pois explica tudo com paixão.
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Gostamos muito do jovem que atuou como guia. Foi muito bom. Com relação à organização, talvez algo pudesse ser melhorado
Ver a avaliação original em italiano
Tivemos uma confusão com o dia de nossa visita, achamos que era um dia depois. Eles nos ligaram para avisar que estávamos errados. Transferiram nossa visita para uma hora mais tarde e nos esperaram, pois chegamos tarde de Nápoles. O guia, Humberto, é o Number One!!!!! Ele nos fez o tour por Pompeia, totalmente fantástico. Aprendemos muito, super simpático e amigável, e muito informativo e conhecedor da cidade. Adoramos Pompéia. Agradecemos a vocês !!!!!!!
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Foi um pouco confuso entender onde conseguir os ingressos ao descobrir que a bilheteria e o ponto de encontro ficavam no andar de cima. Talvez para melhorar, uma placa melhor dizendo ingressos pré-reservados e ponto de encontro da excursão no andar de cima? Também tivemos que começar o passeio com uma caminhada até outro local para pegar nossos fones de ouvido, que acabaram não funcionando, e perdemos tempo durante o passeio fazendo isso. Talvez haja uma maneira de obter os fones de ouvido ao comprar os ingressos? Foi irritante esperarmos por dois casais (4 pessoas) para participar do tour lat, enquanto ele já havia começado e estávamos caminhando perto ou dentro do local. Demorou cerca de 20 minutos do passeio. O maior problema, porém, foi que vários fones de ouvido quebraram para as pessoas, cerca de 6 pessoas ou algo assim, inclusive eu, durante o passeio. O guia ficou sem fones sobressalentes no final. Além disso, a guia era muito profissional, falava devagar e com clareza e as informações que fornecia eram ótimas!
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Um local magnífico visitado em um clima perfeito. Tivemos a sorte de fazer esse passeio com Francesco, um arqueólogo local que trabalha no local e fala um francês notável. Uma oportunidade incrível, pois isso transforma a experiência. Agradecemos a Francesco por todas as suas explicações, histórias e bom humor. Uma experiência maravilhosa!
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O que tornou a visita inesquecível foi o local, é claro, mas mais ainda foi o tour que deu vida ao local. Ela ajudou a dar sentido ao que estávamos vendo. Tenho certeza de que percorrer o local sem o guia teria sido muito menos impactante
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Pompeia é simplesmente impressionante e é uma visita obrigatória em sua agenda. Nossa visita guiada foi fantástica e pudemos perceber ainda mais detalhes em alemão do que em um idioma estrangeiro. Nosso guia nos deu um relato muito vívido da vida em Pompeia e do curso da catástrofe por meio de histórias.
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Excelente guia turístico. Rafaella era muito bem informada, simpática e divertida. Ela fez um tour muito abrangente, fácil de acompanhar e com ótimas informações sobre o passado da cidade antiga.
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O guia é excepcional... muito divertido e bem informado (Lucius). Passeio muito completo A experiência de entrar rapidamente ... sem filas
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Nosso guia Paolo foi fantástico, cheio de energia e conhecimento! Meu filho e eu tivemos o melhor dia! Meu filho fez um curta-metragem do dia - procure 'a day in Pompeii - short film on you tube
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A Anna foi ótima com o tour, as explicações e a ajuda para sair do local pelo lado certo e encontrar o caminho de volta para a estação. A chuva estava fraca e a greve dos transportes atrapalhou a organização da ida e da volta, mas o passeio guiado foi ótimo!
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Raymond bleau
We were able to skip the queue with our prepaid tickets. Without prepaid it would probably have taken 15-20 minutes.
Monica wolf
Took a train from Naples to the Pompei Scavi stop. Very convent that the meeting point and entry were right there
Tracey smith
Book a tour to avoid queues Were good foot wear as very uneven surfaces Arrive in plenty of time as very busy
Ideal para viajantes que preferem independência. Planeje sua visita a Pompeia de forma flexível com ingressos de entrada flexíveis!
Ideal para viajantes que preferem independência. Planeje sua visita a Pompeia de forma flexível com ingressos de entrada flexíveis!
Não inclui
Bom e não ótimo porque nem todos os locais marcados estavam bem sinalizados no local e muitos estavam inacessíveis porque estavam fechados. Além disso, a casa do lupanar não estava sinalizada. É uma pena, pois é muito especial na vida romana. Bem, o GPS foi muito útil. Lamento que as explicações dadas não tenham sido anedóticas.
Ver a avaliação original em italiano
Além de o ingresso, comprado com antecedência pela Headout, não nos permitir passar na frente dos outros, nós o adquirimos na fila da bilheteria e, se o tivéssemos comprado lá, teria custado menos. Felizmente, não havia tantas pessoas e as escavações de Pompeia são excepcionais....
Ver a avaliação original em italiano
Você entra rapidamente e o lugar é muito emocionante. Eu andei por ele sozinho e foi inevitável imaginar como seria a vida e a sociedade naquela época.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Pompeia é enorme, é um lugar maravilhoso, cheio de história, para visitá-lo 100% você precisa de pelo menos um dia inteiro, um lugar imperdível se você visitar a Itália.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
É ótimo poder comprar os dois ingressos ao mesmo tempo, pois você economiza tempo e dinheiro. Adorei os dois parques arqueológicos, Pompeia e Herculano.
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Pompeia é maravilhosa, com a reserva não há problema, mas na bilheteria a entrada é mais barata do que se você tivesse reservado com você.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Ter estudado o assunto a priori e vê-lo na realidade foi uma experiência intensa, a antiga estrada com marcas de carruagem, os espaços da casa onde se pode reconhecer a estrutura da domus romana, reconhecer cozinhas e padarias... e os corpos em suas posições finais. Uma experiência inesquecível!
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Uma experiência muito agradável. No seu próprio ritmo, durante a baixa temporada, quando há poucos visitantes. Altamente recomendado.
Ver a avaliação original em holandês
Andar livremente pela cidade Vivenciá-la por nós mesmos Mova-se acima das escavações e observe seu progresso Entretanto, a orientação é difícil. Não há nomes de ruas devidamente sinalizados. Algumas saídas não estão indicadas nas placas. Recepção muito ruim na entrada. A pessoa parecia estar irritada com o fato de termos passado pelo headout e termos de falar inglês, que ela não dominava.
Ver a avaliação original em francês
Lugar maravilhoso, incrível ver os edifícios e a arte. Esteja preparado para caminhar. Não vale muito a pena ir sem um audioguia ou um guia de verdade, a menos que você conheça muito bem o lugar
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Muito prático, mas não entendo por que é mais caro do que no local? Além disso, não recebemos um mapa em francês...
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tivemos que pagar pela villa dei mysterii e isso não ficou claro quando fizemos a reserva das passagens. Não me lembro exatamente, mas acho que pagamos pelas duas coisas, o que não foi uma experiência muito agradável.
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Gostei de como foi simples comprar ingressos em seu site. Foi fácil fazer o download do aplicativo e usá-lo off-line no portão. Isso tornou o processo muuuuito mais fácil. Nossa viagem a Pompeia foi incrível. O tempo estava perfeito e foi um dia que jamais esqueceremos.
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Gostamos muito das escavações! O problema que tivemos com o áudio foi que ele era um telefone celular. Isso significava que, quando eu queria tirar fotos com meu celular, sempre tinha dois celulares na mão, o que era muito inconveniente! Em algum momento, paramos de usar o áudio. Realmente poderíamos ter economizado o dinheiro. Eu imaginava que o áudio fosse na forma de fones de ouvido, o que teria simplificado as coisas (inclusive as configurações).
Ver a avaliação original em alemão
Tudo muito bom, mas para entrar em Pompeia tivemos que fazer fila, como aqueles sem ingressos, para trocar os ingressos, apesar de termos pago por eles on-line.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Tudo é incrível. Gostaria de visitá-lo novamente. Minha sugestão é colocar uma direção exata de onde estacionar e onde ficam as ruínas, pois é muito confuso saber para onde ir.
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A experiência em si foi incrível, mas a equipe da bilheteria não foi nada prestativa, nem mesmo conseguiu indicar um estacionamento
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Foi fácil comprar os ingressos na bilheteria. De lá, foi uma caminhada de 1 minuto até o portão Pompeii Scavi. Os agentes tentarão convencê-lo a contratar um guia turístico, mas se você não for realmente um aficionado por história, pode fazer isso por conta própria. Fomos direto para o anfiteatro, parando em algumas casas interessantes, no novo local de escavação, e conseguimos terminar em 2 horas. Poderíamos ter dado mais voltas, mas como estava chovendo muito, desistimos. Nós realmente não usamos os guias de áudio também, então foi um desperdício de dinheiro para nós.
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A velocidade de acesso aos dois parques arqueológicos. Dois locais espetaculares, no caso de Pompeia é tão grande que é impossível ver tudo em um dia. Em nossa próxima visita, completaremos a parte que perdemos! Muito obrigado
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
A mistura de ruínas antigas com tantos lugares verdes. Adorei as árvores, a grama, as flores e como algumas das casas tinham um jardim interno cheio de fauna.
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Pompéia é muito interessante e vale a pena recomendar. O procedimento de entrada foi um desastre. Primeiro tivemos que esperar no escritório da Tempio Travel para pegar os ingressos com código QR. A equipe da Tempio Travel foi muito simpática. Quando os ingressos finalmente chegaram, achamos que eram os ingressos para a entrada. Não havia nada lá. Tivemos de ficar na fila por cerca de 40 minutos para obter um ingresso personalizado no guichê de ingressos. Tivemos que mostrar nossos documentos de identidade, mas eles foram deixados na Tempio Travel como depósito para o audioguia. Por sorte, sabemos falar italiano e, depois de reclamarmos muito, conseguimos mostrar nossa carteira de motorista. Mas isso não foi o fim da história. Tivemos que mostrar nossa identidade novamente na entrada. Depois de nos recusarmos e protestarmos veementemente, fomos autorizados a entrar. Se essa é a entrada rápida on-line, então ficamos imaginando como será quando 20.000 pessoas visitarem Pompeia todos os dias. A equipe já está totalmente sobrecarregada com apenas algumas entradas e ainda não entendemos o motivo de tanto alvoroço.
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O local era fácil de encontrar e, como estávamos viajando em uma quarta-feira de novembro, não havia fila alguma. Os ingressos foram fáceis de receber com o número de reserva, sem nenhum problema. :)
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O local é impressionante em termos de tamanho e estado de conservação. Na minha opinião, para os visitantes que não fizeram a visita guiada ou o comentário em áudio, há uma falta de sinalização explicativa. É muito importante escolher o ingresso certo para a visita certa.
Ver a avaliação original em francês
Pompeia é estupenda. Demorou um pouco para retirar nossos ingressos, mas o processo foi bastante simples e, depois de entrarmos, nos divertimos muito.
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tivemos que trocar os ingressos on-line por um voucher (tempo de espera de 45 minutos). depois tivemos que trocar o voucher pelo ingresso (tempo de espera de 45 minutos). o sistema de admissão em pompeia é, portanto, completamente ineficiente. fora isso, tudo funcionou bem, especialmente com o audioguia, ficamos muito satisfeitos
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5% de desconto
Disponha de descontos enquanto você acessa duas cidades romanas preservadas sob as cinzas do Monte Vesúvio!
Disponha de descontos enquanto você acessa duas cidades romanas preservadas sob as cinzas do Monte Vesúvio!
Além de o ingresso, comprado com antecedência pela Headout, não nos permitir passar na frente dos outros, nós o adquirimos na fila da bilheteria e, se o tivéssemos comprado lá, teria custado menos. Felizmente, não havia tantas pessoas e as escavações de Pompeia são excepcionais....
Ver a avaliação original em italiano
Você entra rapidamente e o lugar é muito emocionante. Eu andei por ele sozinho e foi inevitável imaginar como seria a vida e a sociedade naquela época.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Pompeia é enorme, é um lugar maravilhoso, cheio de história, para visitá-lo 100% você precisa de pelo menos um dia inteiro, um lugar imperdível se você visitar a Itália.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
É ótimo poder comprar os dois ingressos ao mesmo tempo, pois você economiza tempo e dinheiro. Adorei os dois parques arqueológicos, Pompeia e Herculano.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Pompeia é maravilhosa, com a reserva não há problema, mas na bilheteria a entrada é mais barata do que se você tivesse reservado com você.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
É impressionante ver pessoalmente a profundidade em que a cidade foi enterrada e a distância do mar. O fato de os esqueletos terem sido encontrados nos molhes é muito impressionante. Encontrar as obras de arte que decoravam as casas, afrescos, mosaicos... estátuas é uma maravilha.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Ter estudado o assunto a priori e vê-lo na realidade foi uma experiência intensa, a antiga estrada com marcas de carruagem, os espaços da casa onde se pode reconhecer a estrutura da domus romana, reconhecer cozinhas e padarias... e os corpos em suas posições finais. Uma experiência inesquecível!
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Uma experiência muito agradável. No seu próprio ritmo, durante a baixa temporada, quando há poucos visitantes. Altamente recomendado.
Ver a avaliação original em holandês
Andar livremente pela cidade Vivenciá-la por nós mesmos Mova-se acima das escavações e observe seu progresso Entretanto, a orientação é difícil. Não há nomes de ruas devidamente sinalizados. Algumas saídas não estão indicadas nas placas. Recepção muito ruim na entrada. A pessoa parecia estar irritada com o fato de termos passado pelo headout e termos de falar inglês, que ela não dominava.
Ver a avaliação original em francês
Lugar maravilhoso, incrível ver os edifícios e a arte. Esteja preparado para caminhar. Não vale muito a pena ir sem um audioguia ou um guia de verdade, a menos que você conheça muito bem o lugar
Ver a avaliação original em inglês
Gostei de como foi simples comprar ingressos em seu site. Foi fácil fazer o download do aplicativo e usá-lo off-line no portão. Isso tornou o processo muuuuito mais fácil. Nossa viagem a Pompeia foi incrível. O tempo estava perfeito e foi um dia que jamais esqueceremos.
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Gostamos muito das escavações! O problema que tivemos com o áudio foi que ele era um telefone celular. Isso significava que, quando eu queria tirar fotos com meu celular, sempre tinha dois celulares na mão, o que era muito inconveniente! Em algum momento, paramos de usar o áudio. Realmente poderíamos ter economizado o dinheiro. Eu imaginava que o áudio fosse na forma de fones de ouvido, o que teria simplificado as coisas (inclusive as configurações).
Ver a avaliação original em alemão
Tudo muito bom, mas para entrar em Pompeia tivemos que fazer fila, como aqueles sem ingressos, para trocar os ingressos, apesar de termos pago por eles on-line.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Tudo é incrível. Gostaria de visitá-lo novamente. Minha sugestão é colocar uma direção exata de onde estacionar e onde ficam as ruínas, pois é muito confuso saber para onde ir.
Ver a avaliação original em inglês
A experiência em si foi incrível, mas a equipe da bilheteria não foi nada prestativa, nem mesmo conseguiu indicar um estacionamento
Ver a avaliação original em inglês
A velocidade de acesso aos dois parques arqueológicos. Dois locais espetaculares, no caso de Pompeia é tão grande que é impossível ver tudo em um dia. Em nossa próxima visita, completaremos a parte que perdemos! Muito obrigado
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
A mistura de ruínas antigas com tantos lugares verdes. Adorei as árvores, a grama, as flores e como algumas das casas tinham um jardim interno cheio de fauna.
Ver a avaliação original em inglês
O local era fácil de encontrar e, como estávamos viajando em uma quarta-feira de novembro, não havia fila alguma. Os ingressos foram fáceis de receber com o número de reserva, sem nenhum problema. :)
Ver a avaliação original em inglês
O local é impressionante em termos de tamanho e estado de conservação. Na minha opinião, para os visitantes que não fizeram a visita guiada ou o comentário em áudio, há uma falta de sinalização explicativa. É muito importante escolher o ingresso certo para a visita certa.
Ver a avaliação original em francês
Pompeia é estupenda. Demorou um pouco para retirar nossos ingressos, mas o processo foi bastante simples e, depois de entrarmos, nos divertimos muito.
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O zoom era muito limitado... A equipe não sabia como acessar as informações adicionais no audioguia. Os símbolos, como os jarros de barro ou as pessoas fugindo, são muito pequenos.
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Tudo se encaixou perfeitamente. Apreciei o fato de estar on-line e não precisar esperar para fazer a compra com antecedência. O aplicativo funcionou bem. Infelizmente, não pude ficar muito tempo. Eu voltarei.
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Foi extraordinário, o guia foi muito gentil, explicou tudo muito bem com anedotas e piadas, pontualidade, excelente passeio. Não pudemos entrar no anfiteatro porque naquele dia havia um jantar para os líderes do G20.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
é um pouco estranho, se você comprar uma passagem on-line, ter que ir a uma bilheteria onde o funcionário precisa digitar o número da reserva e o sobrenome ... felizmente não havia uma fila de 1.000 pessoas na nossa frente naquele dia!
Ver a avaliação original em francês
A compra do ingresso foi fácil, o preço foi um pouco alto e eu gostaria que ele tivesse sido entregue com um mapa/folheto explicando as ruínas.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Caminhe pelo Patrimônio da UNESCO de Pompeia com uma audioguia e aprenda tudo sobre a vida romana antiga.
Caminhe pelo Patrimônio da UNESCO de Pompeia com uma audioguia e aprenda tudo sobre a vida romana antiga.
Além de o ingresso, comprado com antecedência pela Headout, não nos permitir passar na frente dos outros, nós o adquirimos na fila da bilheteria e, se o tivéssemos comprado lá, teria custado menos. Felizmente, não havia tantas pessoas e as escavações de Pompeia são excepcionais....
Ver a avaliação original em italiano
Você entra rapidamente e o lugar é muito emocionante. Eu andei por ele sozinho e foi inevitável imaginar como seria a vida e a sociedade naquela época.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Pompeia é enorme, é um lugar maravilhoso, cheio de história, para visitá-lo 100% você precisa de pelo menos um dia inteiro, um lugar imperdível se você visitar a Itália.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
É ótimo poder comprar os dois ingressos ao mesmo tempo, pois você economiza tempo e dinheiro. Adorei os dois parques arqueológicos, Pompeia e Herculano.
Ver a avaliação original em espanhol
Pompeia é maravilhosa, com a reserva não há problema, mas na bilheteria a entrada é mais barata do que se você tivesse reservado com você.
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Ter estudado o assunto a priori e vê-lo na realidade foi uma experiência intensa, a antiga estrada com marcas de carruagem, os espaços da casa onde se pode reconhecer a estrutura da domus romana, reconhecer cozinhas e padarias... e os corpos em suas posições finais. Uma experiência inesquecível!
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Uma experiência muito agradável. No seu próprio ritmo, durante a baixa temporada, quando há poucos visitantes. Altamente recomendado.
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Andar livremente pela cidade Vivenciá-la por nós mesmos Mova-se acima das escavações e observe seu progresso Entretanto, a orientação é difícil. Não há nomes de ruas devidamente sinalizados. Algumas saídas não estão indicadas nas placas. Recepção muito ruim na entrada. A pessoa parecia estar irritada com o fato de termos passado pelo headout e termos de falar inglês, que ela não dominava.
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Lugar maravilhoso, incrível ver os edifícios e a arte. Esteja preparado para caminhar. Não vale muito a pena ir sem um audioguia ou um guia de verdade, a menos que você conheça muito bem o lugar
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Gostei de como foi simples comprar ingressos em seu site. Foi fácil fazer o download do aplicativo e usá-lo off-line no portão. Isso tornou o processo muuuuito mais fácil. Nossa viagem a Pompeia foi incrível. O tempo estava perfeito e foi um dia que jamais esqueceremos.
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Gostamos muito das escavações! O problema que tivemos com o áudio foi que ele era um telefone celular. Isso significava que, quando eu queria tirar fotos com meu celular, sempre tinha dois celulares na mão, o que era muito inconveniente! Em algum momento, paramos de usar o áudio. Realmente poderíamos ter economizado o dinheiro. Eu imaginava que o áudio fosse na forma de fones de ouvido, o que teria simplificado as coisas (inclusive as configurações).
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Tudo muito bom, mas para entrar em Pompeia tivemos que fazer fila, como aqueles sem ingressos, para trocar os ingressos, apesar de termos pago por eles on-line.
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Tudo é incrível. Gostaria de visitá-lo novamente. Minha sugestão é colocar uma direção exata de onde estacionar e onde ficam as ruínas, pois é muito confuso saber para onde ir.
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A experiência em si foi incrível, mas a equipe da bilheteria não foi nada prestativa, nem mesmo conseguiu indicar um estacionamento
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A velocidade de acesso aos dois parques arqueológicos. Dois locais espetaculares, no caso de Pompeia é tão grande que é impossível ver tudo em um dia. Em nossa próxima visita, completaremos a parte que perdemos! Muito obrigado
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A mistura de ruínas antigas com tantos lugares verdes. Adorei as árvores, a grama, as flores e como algumas das casas tinham um jardim interno cheio de fauna.
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O local era fácil de encontrar e, como estávamos viajando em uma quarta-feira de novembro, não havia fila alguma. Os ingressos foram fáceis de receber com o número de reserva, sem nenhum problema. :)
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O local é impressionante em termos de tamanho e estado de conservação. Na minha opinião, para os visitantes que não fizeram a visita guiada ou o comentário em áudio, há uma falta de sinalização explicativa. É muito importante escolher o ingresso certo para a visita certa.
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Pompeia é estupenda. Demorou um pouco para retirar nossos ingressos, mas o processo foi bastante simples e, depois de entrarmos, nos divertimos muito.
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O zoom era muito limitado... A equipe não sabia como acessar as informações adicionais no audioguia. Os símbolos, como os jarros de barro ou as pessoas fugindo, são muito pequenos.
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Tudo se encaixou perfeitamente. Apreciei o fato de estar on-line e não precisar esperar para fazer a compra com antecedência. O aplicativo funcionou bem. Infelizmente, não pude ficar muito tempo. Eu voltarei.
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é um pouco estranho, se você comprar uma passagem on-line, ter que ir a uma bilheteria onde o funcionário precisa digitar o número da reserva e o sobrenome ... felizmente não havia uma fila de 1.000 pessoas na nossa frente naquele dia!
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A compra do ingresso foi fácil, o preço foi um pouco alto e eu gostaria que ele tivesse sido entregue com um mapa/folheto explicando as ruínas.
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Fiquei muito surpreso, pois não achei que fosse para mim, mas foi fantástico e uma experiência muito boa. Acho que a maneira como vocês trabalham com a escavação é empolgante e respeitosa, e eu realmente aprecio isso. Esta não será a última vez que visitarei Pompéia :-)
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Eu não tinha entendido que o ingresso tinha que ser trocado na hora, mas isso é apenas um detalhe. Por outro lado, eu não tinha ideia de que o local de Herculano estava fechando às 15h30 naquele dia, então não pude visitar o local. É uma pena que ninguém o aconselhe a visitá-lo primeiro, pois ele fecha mais cedo. Paguei por um ingresso combinado desnecessariamente.
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Você não precisa se preocupar com as multidões e vai direto para a antiga cidade de Pompeia neste tour privado.
Você não precisa se preocupar com as multidões e vai direto para a antiga cidade de Pompeia neste tour privado.
Relaxe com os confortáveis traslados de Roma e descubra a antiga maravilha de Pompeia, listada pela UNESCO.
Relaxe com os confortáveis traslados de Roma e descubra a antiga maravilha de Pompeia, listada pela UNESCO.
Muito tempo para explorar o local... Não tínhamos reservado o almoço nem um audioguia, mas era flexível e podíamos acrescentar esses extras no dia. Nosso guia foi muito simpático e prestativo. Nós adoramos!
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A guia Francesca, muito simpática e bem informada, foi muito prestativa e tudo correu conforme o planejado. Pompéia é um lugar imperdível, um pouco longe de Roma, mas ainda assim é fácil de visitar
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Quero agradecer ao guia Marcelo, um excelente tratamento e ao motorista Emiliano, bem como ao resto da equipe, um grande profissionalismo de todos eles. A organização foi perfeita, ficamos muito felizes. No próximo ano meus pais irão e farão a excursão com vocês. Um grande abraço e muito obrigado por tudo.
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Foi uma experiência incrível visitar Pompéia, tivemos um tempo razoável para explorar as ruínas por conta própria, pois não fizemos a visita guiada. O guia (Marcus) que nos levou de Roma a Pompeia e vice-versa era muito simpático, falante e bem informado. Na viagem a Pompeia, ele nos contou sobre a história da região e dos lugares por onde passávamos. Em nossa breve parada em Nápoles, ele veio até mim e conversou sobre o Vesúvio e os arredores, apontando coisas para mim.
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O ônibus era confortável e facilitou o deslocamento de Roma a Pompeia para uma longa viagem de um dia. Nosso guia foi muito informativo. Escolhemos a opção sem excursão quando chegamos a Pompeia, pois preferimos explorar por conta própria. Isso funcionou muito bem para nós.
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What I booked was not what I was expecting as I thought it was a guided tour of Pompeii but the bus guide upgraded our tickets to include lunch and the guided tours of Napoli and Pompeii. So glad we paid the extra for this otherwise we would not have seen as much of Pompeii as we did. Raphael was very knowledgeable and kept us on task to get the most out of our experience.
Passeio muito agradável, bem organizado e cheio de explicações e referências históricas. Francesca é uma ótima anfitriã e foi fantástico ouvir Sasha falar sobre a história de Pompeia.
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Great trip!! Not just a bus ride, we were treated to a lovely guided drive through a bit of Italy. Our guide Andrea was full of information and wonderful! Would highly recommend.
Viagem de ônibus bem organizada e confortável. Bom guia no ônibus. Bom intervalo com banheiros limpos e oportunidade para se refrescar. Muito bom!
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Não foi mencionado que a visita guiada não estava incluída. Não foi mencionado que o guia de áudio não estava incluído. Não foi mencionado que a refeição não estava incluída. Apenas 2 horas no local. Não encontrei nenhum agente dentro do parque.
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Transporte excelente, nota 10 para o motorista, que estava em uma velocidade excelente e atento à estrada. Excelente guia, Katy. Muito simpática e atenciosa com o grupo. O único inconveniente é que a área de serviço onde eles param para "refrescos" cobra 3 euros pelo cappuccino, quando eu sei que no bar não se pode cobrar mais de 2 euros. E os paninis são muito caros. Pouco tempo nas ruínas de Pompeia para ir a um mirante em Nápoles estava fora de questão. Se eu quiser ver Nápoles, eu viajo para Nápoles, e queria passar o máximo de horas possível em Pompeia. Mas o transporte de ônibus era bom e seguro. Isso foi apreciado por causa da maneira como eles normalmente dirigem na Itália.
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Tudo é bem planejado, o ponto de encontro é claro, o guia foi muito simpático (e falava bem francês), o rápido passeio de ônibus por Nápoles vale muito a pena os desvios e então você pode optar por ficar com o grupo ou descobrir Pompéia por conta própria. O motorista do ônibus era excelente. Adoramos essa experiência
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Ônibus volvo confortável com usb, guia muito profissional, com muito bom senso de humor, falando durante todo o trajeto de ida e volta. O ruim é que paramos duas vezes no mesmo pit stop, onde o preço do lanche é 2 a 3 vezes maior. Verifique todos os lugares ao redor para comer no Google Maps.
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Nosso líder de grupo, Gabriele, foi excepcional, muito atencioso e simpático. Além disso, fez vários comentários interessantes ao longo do passeio. O ônibus do passeio foi confortável, e também gostamos do passeio panorâmico por Nápoles. Recomendo esse passeio.
Visitar Pompeia é uma experiência única, uma viagem de regresso a um passado maravilhoso. E a Michela, a nossa anfitriã no autocarro, foi simpática, agradável e muito prestável!
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Os nossos guias eram óptimos e adorei o tempo passado em Pompeia. Nápoles foi bom. No entanto, a comida servida ao almoço foi um pouco dececionante. Recomendaria esta empresa e a visita guiada a Pompeia, mas talvez não a oferta gastronómica.
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Uma experiência excelente. O guia é muito bom Eu recomendaria Obrigado, Walter Walter
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Pompéia, definitivamente, guias muito esforçados! Muito bons. Não tão boa a viagem desnecessária por Nápoles.
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Muito bom custo-benefício, guia amigável e prestativo, pontualidade.
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Fomos muito bem atendidos quando saímos de Roma para visitar Pompeia. Assistente e motorista de ônibus muito profissionais.
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Experiência incrível, comida e passeio excelentes, supera de longe outros passeios.
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Alessandro foi um excelente guia, e a viagem foi muito informativa.
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O guia era muito simpático. E os seus esforços para falar em francês. Foi muito generoso da parte dele
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O guia Guiliogmo e o motorista Franco foram fabulosos. Um dia fabuloso!
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Tudo era muito interessante e, sobretudo, o guia era encantador. Altamente recomendado
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140 km
2 horas
20 min
Faça uma pequena pausa em uma comuna no sopé do Monte Cassino, ao lado do rio Rapido.
115 km
75 minutos
90 min
Inclui ingressos
Aproveite a visita guiada e tenha tempo livre para explorar uma cidade de 2 mil anos preservada pela erupção do Monte Vesúvio. Descubra os antigos banhos públicos romanos, anfiteatros, vilas e muito mais.
34,4 km
75 minutos
120 min
2 atrações
Explore esse vilarejo à beira do penhasco ao longo da Costa Amalfitana em 2 horas de lazer. Admire a colorida cúpula da Igreja de Santa Maria Assunta ou enfrente uma trilha, como o Caminho dos Deuses!
1. Church of Santa Maria Assunta
Ingressos não inclusos
2. Path of the Gods
One of the most beautiful trails of Italy, the Sentiero degli Dei or 'Path of the Gods' takes you up along the cliffs with spectacular ocean views.
148 km
90 minutos
20 min
Faça outra pequena pausa no caminho de volta a Roma em uma comuna no sopé do Monte Cassino, ao lado do rio Rapido.
139 km
90 minutos
Piazza del Popolo
Com um guia especializado, viaje de Roma a Pompeia e à Costa Amalfitana em um confortável ônibus de ar condicionado!
Com um guia especializado, viaje de Roma a Pompeia e à Costa Amalfitana em um confortável ônibus de ar condicionado!
Foi incrível o que nosso guia turístico de Pompeia conseguiu nos ensinar em 2 horas, mas foi muito pouco para um local tão grande. Eu pularia a parte de Sorrento (se estiver viajando no inverno), pois era muito tranquila, e recomendaria que você passasse um dia inteiro em Pompeia.
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O dia estava lindo e os guias eram muito bem informados e conseguiram reunir todos com o mínimo de barulho. John foi ótimo e o guia em Pompéia foi o melhor. Mais uma vez, obrigado por nos divertirmos muito. Minha família adorou.
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Heather foi incrível, assim como nosso motorista de ônibus. Não poderíamos ter pedido um grupo melhor para essa viagem. Faremos novamente!
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Guias muito gentis! Eles nos contaram tudo o que precisávamos saber sobre a viagem e também sobre a cidade Eu definitivamente faria isso de novo!
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Tive uma ótima experiência com a Enrica, ela era adorável, tinha muita história para contar durante a viagem de ônibus e sempre nos fazia rir. Ela garantiu que chegássemos na hora certa para aproveitar ao máximo nosso passeio.
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Nós nos divertimos muito com a excursão Pompeia-Positano. Muito bem organizado, muito obrigado à nossa guia Mari e ao nosso motorista Giulio! Foi uma experiência maravilhosa e nós a recomendamos muito.
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Equipe incrível, desde o motorista Danilo até nossa guia turística Laura, sempre nos dando informações importantes sobre cada local e sempre verificando se estávamos gostando do passeio. Nosso guia turístico de Pompeia, Antonio, foi incrível, realmente conhecedor e explicou tudo de forma muito clara.
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A rota era cênica O guia do ônibus era agradável, mas não tinha o conhecimento adequado. Falou muito sobre coisas mundanas, como comida e diferentes tipos de restaurantes, mas não o suficiente sobre os valores históricos dos locais
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Nossa guia foi Enrica e nosso motorista Danilo. Guia incrível, com excelente conhecimento e entusiasmo desde o início até o desembarque. O ótimo senso de humor e o toque pessoal tornaram essa viagem inesquecível. Muito obrigado à Enrica pelas ótimas lembranças!!! Saudações do casal belga.
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Tivemos uma viagem de um dia incrível com nossos dois filhos (6 e 8 anos de idade). A Costa Amalfitana foi de tirar o fôlego, com uma bela parada em Sorrento e um passeio enriquecedor em Pompéia, que as crianças gostaram tanto quanto os adultos. Um destaque da excursão foi o nosso guia experiente e envolvente, Antonino, da City Wonders; uma semana depois, ainda estamos falando sobre as histórias que ele compartilhou conosco! Julio, o motorista do ônibus, também foi ótimo e se esforçou ao máximo para entreter as crianças! Recomendamos muito esse passeio.
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Experiência fantástica em Pompeia e Sorrento. Nossa guia turística Heather, o motorista Francesco e o guia em Pompeia Antonio foram todos muito simpáticos e bem informados. Ótimas recomendações sobre como passar o tempo livre em Sorrento. Pompeia era muito maior do que esperávamos - o passeio foi maravilhoso, mas você perde algumas áreas simplesmente por ter tempo limitado.
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Nossa guia foi a Marinela e nosso motorista foi o Danilo! Eles foram as pessoas que deram vida à nossa incrível experiência em Positano-Costa Amalfitana e Pompéia! Ambos foram incríveis! Danilo é um ótimo cantor :)) e Marinela é uma ótima contadora de histórias! Os dois, com sua hospitalidade específica, nos guiaram por nossa jornada de forma tão específica que não perdemos nada! A energia deles era gratificante e o cuidado e a segurança eram de alto nível! Muito obrigado e desejo a vocês tudo de bom! Ramona&Valeriu I
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O motorista do ônibus e os guias foram excelentes o tempo todo. Começamos em Roma e seguimos pela Costa Amalfitana em direção a Sorrento, com algumas paradas no caminho para degustação de Limoncello e chocolate enquanto o motorista fazia uma pausa. Almoçamos em um belo restaurante em Sorrento, com vista para o mar. O único problema que tive com essa viagem é que alguns viajantes da excursão se atrasaram 30 minutos para voltar ao ponto de encontro do ônibus depois do almoço, portanto, perdemos 30 minutos em Pompeia, o que nos deu apenas 1 hora em Pompeia e foi muito corrido, pois é necessário mais de uma hora para conhecer Pompeia por completo. É uma pena que outros viajantes possam arruinar a experiência de todos os outros por não prestarem atenção aos horários de encontro indicados pelo guia, mas é o que é.
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A paisagem era incrível, mas infelizmente a praia estava cheia e fechada e não pudemos vê-la de perto. Sabemos que podemos consertar isso, mas os italianos foram rudes e nada simpáticos, eles tratam mal os turistas como se fôssemos os piores.
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Tudo estava ótimo. E a melhor coisa que aconteceu ao nosso grupo foi ter a Marinela (espero ter escrito seu nome corretamente) como nossa guia! Muito obrigado por seu conhecimento, gentileza e paciência.
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Edwardo foi um excelente guia turístico. Ele compartilhou uma grande quantidade de informações e percepções. A experiência total foi incrível e divertida. O ônibus e o motorista eram excelentes. Muito bom e valeu a pena a viagem. Muito obrigado.
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As paradas foram ótimas. O tempo livre em Sorrento foi ótimo. O guia em Pompeia foi excelente. Conhecia muito bem a cidade, tinha muitas histórias e nos mostrou alguns pontos importantes, em vez de nos fazer passar por eles. O principal problema, que tornou o dia bastante desconfortável, é que não havia banheiro no ônibus. A viagem total foi de 13 horas, sendo que 4 foram gastas em Pompeia e Sorrento (incluindo a parada para o limoncello) e cerca de 1 hora para paradas no banheiro. Isso ainda significa 8 horas em um ônibus sem banheiro. Eu não recomendaria essa excursão somente por esse motivo.
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Laura foi uma excelente guia. Ela foi muito prestativa, tinha as melhores dicas, nos ensinou sobre a história dos diferentes lugares pelos quais passamos e também nos mostrou algumas músicas locais. O guia turístico de Pompeia era extremamente bem informado e tornou o passeio agradável. Recomendo muito essa viagem de um dia. Também foi interessante visitar a fábrica de limoncello naquele dia. Eu recomendaria apenas que as pessoas fizessem alguma pesquisa antes de Sorrento, para que saibam o que fazer durante o tempo livre.
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Os lugares visitados e o guia local em Pompéia, muito claro e amigável em suas relações. Não como o guia turístico, sabíamos que era em inglês que entendíamos, mas não falamos fluentemente, a guia Maria Helena, não tentou de forma alguma entender ou compreender o que precisávamos, outra pessoa na excursão falava 3 idiomas e ela nos entendeu tão bem quanto os passageiros que falavam inglês, mas a guia não, ela não tinha vontade para isso. Ao mesmo tempo, na viagem de volta, tivemos um atraso de mais de 1 hora, porque o guia não nos deu o horário e o ponto de embarque, 6 passageiros tiveram que pegar um táxi até o ônibus.
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Barbara foi excepcionalmente ótima, muito informativa sobre a vida e a comida italianas. Antonio foi muito bom e profissional Foi uma ótima experiência
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A Barbara foi incrível, muito simpática, nos deu muitas informações e nos manteve envolvidos. Até nos ensinou um pouco de italiano. Antonio, nosso motorista, também foi ótimo e nos levou a todos os nossos destinos com segurança, apesar de o trânsito na Itália ser LOUCO, para dizer o mínimo.
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We really loved both locations. We would have liked more time at Pompeii and Sorrento. We would have preferred to skip the Limoncello factory, that seemed like a waste of time. Our guide was awesome and we loved her! She was full of great information. I would have preferred to leave an hour or two earlier int he morning to get more time at the locations.
Great selected places to see, full program with very helpful explanations by our tour guide. Whole day trip in comfortable bus&polite driver, with enough breaks for refreshment.
Apesar da decepção inicial de esperar visitar Positano, que não fazia parte do passeio de um dia, foi um dia inesquecível. Peter, o guia, é muito experiente, divertido, cortês e fez um ótimo trabalho de gerenciamento de tempo. O guia local em Pompéia, Claudio, também foi excelente. Eu recomendo muito essa viagem de um dia.
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Pompéia fascinante. O guia Antonino foi excelente e eu gostaria de agradecê-lo por tudo. Boa sorte até a próxima vez. Jasin
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Traslados confortáveis de Nápoles para Pompeia, com a opção de personalizar e visitar Herculano ou Vesúvio.
Traslados confortáveis de Nápoles para Pompeia, com a opção de personalizar e visitar Herculano ou Vesúvio.
Nosso guia turístico Rafaelo foi maravilhoso e fez de nossa visita uma experiência memorável. Ele é um grande profissional, com um senso de humor notável, habilidades organizacionais perfeitas e capacidade de manter a atenção. Obrigado, Rafaelo :))
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Nós realmente nos divertimos muito. Rosa, nossa guia, e Genaro, nosso motorista, foram muito bons. A excursão a Pompeia foi divertida e escalar o Vesubio foi uma experiência completa. O almoço estava delicioso e o serviço geral da excursão foi bom.
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O que mais gostei foi o passeio a Pompeia. O que eu não gostei mais foi que na mensagem dizia que era opcional ir ao Vesúvio, mas isso não era possível, porque a agência com a qual você contratou nos disse que isso não poderia ser feito e que eles já lhe disseram para remover isso da mensagem.
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A experiência de compra de ingressos foi ótima e o lembrete com informações sobre a viagem foi útil. Adoramos o grau de conhecimento do nosso guia Michele Lamberti e como ele conseguiu contextualizar os locais. Agora, o feedback menos positivo é que um dos assentos do ônibus estava seriamente quebrado e a passageira à minha frente tinha a cabeça no meu colo por causa do assento quebrado. Além disso, duas das pessoas no ônibus foram extremamente rudes e ocuparam nossos assentos, e gostaríamos que o guia tivesse intervindo e pedido às pessoas que não "roubassem" os assentos de outras pessoas.
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Fiquei muito interessado em ver os prédios preservados e ouvir sobre o modo de vida dos cidadãos de Pompeia e Herculano. MAS não vivenciei nossa visita da mesma forma que outras pessoas nos disseram que reagiram às suas visitas. Eles falaram de restos de pessoas em fuga. Acredito que deixamos de ver alguns aspectos interessantes de Pompeia (talvez nas áreas subterrâneas). Nossa excursão a Pompeia durou apenas uma hora e meia. Nosso guia passou muito tempo nos contando sobre pênis e bordéis. Teríamos gostado de ouvir sobre as pessoas e suas histórias: o guia poderia ter nos dado uma ideia muito melhor sobre as tragédias absolutas de muitas famílias. Ele não parecia estar se importando ou afetado pelo horror de tudo aquilo. Gostaríamos de ter ficado muito mais tempo lá, mas é claro que poderíamos ter nos limitado a um dia inteiro em Pompeia, então a culpa é parcialmente minha!
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O grupo era muito grande e eu não vi tudo o que esperava ver em Pompéia, em particular, eu esperava ver mais cenas moldadas em gesso. O guia era muito simpático, mas o grupo também era muito grande, com cerca de 30 pessoas, e achei que deveria ter escolhido um grupo menor. Não tive problemas com o audioguia, mas tive que marcar algo para poder enviar a avaliação.
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A organização foi ótima. Infelizmente, o passeio em Pompeia durou apenas 90 minutos e o guia não estava muito motivado.
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Sergio, nosso guia, era amigável e muito bem informado (um arqueólogo experiente) e trouxe as vidas e mortes das pessoas de Herculano e Pompéia para um foco respeitoso. Eu incentivaria qualquer pessoa a participar de uma excursão da Askos.
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Guias de turismo muito simpáticos, pontos turísticos que valem a pena ver, comida deliciosa. Infelizmente, como sempre, você tem que passar pelas lojas de turismo.
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O local de retirada e devolução estava convenientemente localizado e ocorreu sem problemas. Ficamos muito gratos por ter o áudio. Ele forneceu uma quantidade enorme de informações.
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Nosso guia foi Sergio, da Askos Tours, um arqueólogo muito experiente e simpático. Foi minha primeira vez em Pompeia e Herculano. Fiquei impressionado com a aparência intacta do local, milhares de anos depois de ter sido soterrado, e com a quantidade de informações obtidas sobre o modo de vida da época. A viagem foi muito bem organizada e transcorreu em um bom ritmo.
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Our guide is very funny and able to take us to roam around both huge sites in a heat wave. He's very precise and detailed.
Em geral, a experiência foi boa - bem guiada, mas com fones de ouvido que nos permitiram ver as coisas em nosso próprio tempo e nem sempre ficar perto do guia. O sotaque italiano do guia era um pouco carregado, por isso nem sempre tive certeza se os outros visitantes (inclusive meus filhos) conseguiam entender o que ele estava dizendo, especialmente quando ele usava nomes italianos para personagens mitológicos que o público em geral talvez não conhecesse tão bem. Também consigo entender como um hóspede do nosso grupo ficou confuso sobre o local de encontro inicial. Embora eu tenha conseguido descobrir, isso poderia ter ficado ainda mais claro, talvez em uma comunicação direta da operadora de turismo com todos os hóspedes.
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A excursão foi muito bem organizada e valeu cada centavo. Foi muito informativo e o transporte foi muito confortável.
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Ótimo! Do início ao fim. Tudo explicado, e ocorreu conforme estava no roteiro (do começo ao fim). Ainda tivemos uma boa surpresa (almoço) que não sabíamos que estava incluso. Super seguro e rápido de reservar.
Ter Michele como nosso guia valeu o preço do ingresso. Seu conhecimento e experiência fizeram com que a experiência valesse cada centavo. Stephen Pitt
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Uma ótima experiência. Eu diria que deveria haver uma maneira melhor de nos informar quem é o nosso motorista. Os nomes estavam em um pedaço de papel no ônibus e foram descobertos por acidente. Vincenzo (motorista) e Daniella (guia turístico) foram muito bons.
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Tour guide was very informative. We had lovely weather also. The booking made it sound like we had the option to choose vesuvius crater OR hurcelan but actually optional means you have to pay extra to go if there are available spots- a little misconception from booking
La experiencia fue increíble, el chófer encargado del traslado no nos encontraba y nos llamó para localizarnos. Y sobre todo destacar el trabajo se nuestra guía que además de tener mucho conocimiento sobre el sitio era muy amable e hizo la excursión inolvidable
This is a very long tour with lots of walking. For us it was a bit warm out as well. But our tour guide was amazingly sweet and thoughtful as well as full of information.
A excursão de um dia a Pompeia e ao Monte Vesúvio foi fantástica! A Maria (guia) e o Bruno (motorista) foram organizados, eficientes e com informações pormenorizadas. A visita arqueológica em Pompeia foi excelente! Foi fácil comprar os bilhetes online, mas a hora anunciada no sítio Web estava errada, pelo que houve alguma confusão no início do dia.
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A equipe foi simpática e prestativa
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Muito pontual e muito profissional. Excelente explicação do nosso guia.
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A Worldwide Tours foi muito bem-sucedida e fez um ótimo trabalho! Da próxima vez, farei a reserva diretamente com eles.
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O guia era bem informado e agradável.
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Susan Armstrong
Nov 2024
You are brought to the sites that have significance, and save much time and walking. The ability to interact with/ask questions of someone who is knowledgeable is much better than an audio guide.
Laura Magliveras
Nov 2024
Our guide, Julia, was fantastic. She was extremely knowledgable and enthusiastic and added a light humorous touch so that we learnt loads without realising it.
Susan Armstrong
Nov 2024
You are brought to the sites that have significance, and save much time and walking. The ability to interact with/ask questions of someone who is knowledgeable is much better than an audio guide.
Laura Magliveras
Nov 2024
Our guide, Julia, was fantastic. She was extremely knowledgable and enthusiastic and added a light humorous touch so that we learnt loads without realising it.
Kabrina Piirlaid
Nov 2024
Definitely the guided tour we did tours of other places in Rome etc and the guided tours are always better
Ron Linn
Nov 2024
Excellent knowledgable guide rather than trying to find information ourselves was ideal. Earpiece listening to guide much better than trying to be close to hear all information.
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Much better to have a guide. The site is very big and you need to have someone who can be concise and bring all the important elements of the site together. And you can ask questions!!!
Kerstin Marie johansson Nordqvist
Oct 2024
You get a lot of details, a lot of history that you dont get otherwise. There are not a lot of signs inside so you have to have some sort of guide.
Bernarde Kilgallon
Oct 2024
Yes, we felt that entry to the site was prompt and the information we were given form the guide gave a great idea of what life was like in Pompeii, also the explination of the frescos and different buildings gave us a great insight to how the town worked.
Sandy Clark
Oct 2024
You get the story associated with the location without having to read through it real time (and tidbits that are not in the books) & your group access some of the sites easier than individuals.
Elizabeth Aste
Oct 2024
There is so much to see, you really need an expert to take you around to the highlights and to answer questions.
Gillian Jennings
Oct 2024
If we had just bought entry tickets to the site, we would have missed so much and been wandering around blind. Plus an audioguide isn't able to answer questions or direct you to other areas of interest once the tour has finished!!
leslie geller
Oct 2024
I would definitely recommend a guided tour! It's too large of a site with too much info to do on your own.
Shafaq Hussain
Oct 2024
Because if you get a guide like Ms Sorrento, you will learn so much! From day to day running of Pompeii, to teeth whitening to Sailors - she knows a lot!
Thomas Rodgers
Oct 2024
The information given to us and the important oarts of the site would not gave been as easy to come by without a guide
Oct 2024
Yes - a guided tour takes in some of the highlights- Pompeii is so big that otherwise it would be hard to know what to look at in one day
Sylvia Veranneman
Oct 2024
It was the left hand side of Pompei that we saw. We visited the other side on our own but with guide is much better to get all the information and to be able to ask questions
Liz Bond
Oct 2024
A guide can tailor the experience to your knowledge level, and they know some brilliant stories which, for me, made the experience far more relevant and engaging.
Oct 2024
Guided tour is much better as you can ask questions of the archaeologist during your tour. and they give you lots of tidbits of information you would not otherwise get
Carrie Jane Ann Persad
Oct 2024
I would only recomend a tour guide because having some to explain what you are seeeing is important in the value of your visit.
Conor Fitzpatrick
Oct 2024
It is much better to have a guide point out and explain what you are looking at rather than an audio guide. You can also ask a guide clarification questions and get more of a story rather than just facts.
Harold Robert Wiley
Oct 2024
Roxanne provided up to date info that I am not sure I would have gotten from an audio guide and it was so much more personable
Karen Vaughan
Oct 2024
See previous comments. Pompeii is a vast site and could be overwhelming to walk round. Having a guide gave us such a lot of information and insights we were able to carry on after the tour with a much better perspective on everything around us. The tour brought so much to life and enabled us to have a real emotional connection with the citizens of the town at the time of the eruption.
Monica Wolf
Oct 2024
Very helpful to have a guide point out interesting sites and have background info, including why they had dancing penis decor! ��
Aracelli Morales Leviyev
Oct 2024
We wanted to make sure we learned about Pompei as we were seeing it in order to really appreciate the history.
Lesley McEwan
Oct 2024
Having someone explain the city and how it operated and how houses were laid gave an insight that could be missed just walking about. I loved the new elevated area were you could see where the current excavations were being carried out.
Lynne Mildred Glatz Jablonski
Oct 2024
We wanted to make sure we understood what we were looking at and that we had a timed entry into Pompeii. Our guide was very knowledgeable and interesting. We had a great experience.
Wendy bennett
Oct 2024
We only had a limited time and wanted to ensure we saw as much as possible and with as much information as possible.
Brian Galea
Oct 2024
The guide was able to explain clearly how and when these incidents occurred and answered any questions we had.
Lorraine McCaig
Oct 2024
We wanted a tour with a guide so we could have more of an insite to the history and experiences of pompeii
Gitte Bergknut
Sep 2024
A guided tour give a more personal experience and on a large site it´s valuable that the guide can pick points of special intrest
Michael Dunn
Sep 2024
I really liked the idea of the option to have a tour with an archaeologist. I believe the guides name was Sara, but I cannot remember for sure unfortunately. But the guide was absolutely amazing. She was so knowledgeable, answered any questions people had, and spoke so well and at a perfect speed so everyone could understand and follow what was being explained.
Colleen M Lyons
Sep 2024
We read the reviews and wanted to get the knowledge from our time spent there. Hillary was a great guide, very informative and funny and spoke very well.
Christopher James
Sep 2024
We had very little knowledge of the history of Pompei and others said a tour was definitely yhe way to go.
Mike Lay
Sep 2024
To get some local knowledge versus just wandering around the property ourselves. Our guide was very good, got us around the property efficiently, and showed us a lot of good stuff on our 2-hour tour.
kerry ann cleaver
Sep 2024
I wanted to see the highlights and be told information, the site would have been to big for me to venture on my own in the time I had
Ken Cotun
Sep 2024
Only had two hours on the way to Rome. The tour was perfect to gain local knowledge and see the more significant areas of the excavation.
Peder Christian Haarbye
Sep 2024
To get a better understanding of the site (Pompeii) and to use the time spent in the most efficient way.
Anne Lebel
Sep 2024
We knew the site was very large, and we wanted a professional to guide us through so we could learn.
Andrew Logie
Sep 2024
Through a google search and positive reviews. We had limited time and a guide seemed like the best way to learn while we explored.
Nicola J Warren
Sep 2024
We thought it best to hear about the history of the site to gain better knowledge of what we were looking at.
Marie Hermansson
Sep 2024
To get the most out of the experience and to learn about the history. The guide was really good at explaining what everything was and so on.
Yvonne Bedford
Sep 2024
On leaving the train station we instantly saw a guide from the company who showed us were to go for the tickets we bought online. Excellent guide, who told us everything we needed to know. He had an excellent sense of humour and we thoroughly enjoyed our guided tour. Would definitely recommend!
Alison Croft
Sep 2024
Not very up on history/archeology. Reckoned it would be better to have a knowledgable guide so we knew what we were looking at!
Margaret Vargas
Sep 2024
I traveled over 6000 miles to experience this. So I wanted the best experience I could get and you gave it to me!!!
Christopher Whetton
Sep 2024
On suggestion from a friend, we were told a guide would be best. Our Archeologist guide was amazing and so knowledgeable. Would not have done it any other way.
Kiera Druhan
Aug 2024
This was our first time visiting Pompeii and we wanted to have the chance to fully experience as much as we could.
Patricia Alonso-Gamo
Aug 2024
Get some information and get more out of the visit. Skip the line But I ended up loving the tour guide. She was really excellent, informative, knowledgeable and funny. I really enjoyed the tour.
Raymond Bleau
Aug 2024
We were looking for a guided tour so we could get as much history and info in a short period of time.
Chad Monson
Aug 2024
I wanted to make the most of my time there. While I would have loved to take 4-6 hours to experience it all at a leisurely pace, I knew it would be hot and wanted to learn more from an archeologist.
Aug 2024
Our friends that visited before us Pompei told us to definitely book a guided tour in order not to miss the important information of the site.
Lucy Oldershaw
Aug 2024
We had visited Pompeii before with a guide, and wanted our children to benefit from the knowledge of a guided tour.
Joao Carlos Freitas
Aug 2024
It was simply to avoid the queues and most importantly to get a guided tour so that we could achieve a perfect understanding into the history of Pompeii.
Robert Williamson
Aug 2024
To take advantage of the tour guides knowledge in navigating and getting good information regarding the site for the time of the tour.
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Ensure you get there in good time. A lot easier by train and there is a connecting bus from the station to the site. Make sure you have some strong walk shoes/boots
Melinda Stenger
Nov 2024
1. Get there early! 2. park at a nearby restaurant and eat lunch there then parking is free. 3. be prepared for all types of weather - it rained and we had umbrellas and the tour continued without the crowds!
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Ensure you get there in good time. A lot easier by train and there is a connecting bus from the station to the site. Make sure you have some strong walk shoes/boots
Melinda Stenger
Nov 2024
1. Get there early! 2. park at a nearby restaurant and eat lunch there then parking is free. 3. be prepared for all types of weather - it rained and we had umbrellas and the tour continued without the crowds!
Eszter Sznezsana Gombas
Nov 2024
We entered Pompei at noon. Maybe in the morning there are fewer visitors and the atmosphere is even more authentic.
Keshia Meikle
Nov 2024
You will want to explore more after the tour ends. If you leave Pompeii at 5 when it closes all of the gift shops will already be closed. Get an archaeologist guide! Take lots of pictures and notes to revisit.
Bernarde Kilgallon
Oct 2024
wear comfortable footwear have plenty of cold water Visit early as even in October it was very warm on site take your time, even after the guided tour ends. take a break and continue on exploring the site
Amanda Scott
Oct 2024
Book a tour with an archeologist, absolutely the best way to see Pompeii Wear comfy shoes Read about Pompeii before you go There are a number of cafes outside the site so its easy to have a lunch or snack after your tour
Gillian Jennings
Oct 2024
Wear comfortable clothes and prepare to walk some distance. We visited on a warm day at the end of October and struggled to find any shade - in summer, be sure to take protection against the sun and heat.
Dean C DiGiovanni
Oct 2024
plan out train schedule, almost missed mine because of it. expect to walk alot give some time post tour to explore its worth it.
James Palmer
Oct 2024
The walking area is quite rocky and uneven. We were very glad to have our walking sticks. No matter the temperature you need water.
Thomas Rodgers
Oct 2024
We booked the 1.00 tour and as it was October the weather was cooler and better for walking around. Its not something I would like to do.in the height of summer.
Sylvia Veranneman
Oct 2024
Go with a guide and try to see the priorities because impossible to see it all Make enough time if you visit on your own Take a bottle of water and a small umbrella (against sun or rain)
Liz Bond
Oct 2024
We were lucky to visit on a day when there were no cruise ships in the bay so it was less crowded. We had a tour in the morning and stayed until the site closed at 7, and there was still so much to see- don't expect to cover everything. Booking a tour in the morning gives you a really good basis for exploring on your own afterwards.
Conor Fitzpatrick
Oct 2024
Wear comfortable walking shoes. Download the Pompeii app in advance and review where you would like to go after the tour. There is not much cover so prepare for the weather.
Stella power
Oct 2024
Take time to try and understand the map . Take your own food Remember a hat Take a power bank for your phone
Karen Vaughan
Oct 2024
It was good to have time after the tour to take a break and then walk round other parts of the town. Having a guide really brings everything alive.
Elizabeth Owen
Oct 2024
On arrival by train you are made to feel you have to buy tickets there - but actually you can at the gate. We were there in October and there were no queues.
Stephanie Jayne Tutin
Oct 2024
Book in advance and do a bit of a research. The train will be PACKED so travel light, but there is a luggage storage option at the station. Wear comfy shoes!
Lindsay Redford
Oct 2024
I wish I'd booked an organised trip to get to Pompeii from where we were staying. Rather than ferry and train which left us rushing and pushed for time
Adam Watkins
Oct 2024
If you read the instructions you will be amazed how easy it all is. From the station to the meeting point and the nice audio system to hear all the important things
Lesley Dawn Graves
Oct 2024
We went in early October. The weather was good, and although it was very busy, can only imagine how or would be in high summer!!
Guylaine J. Martel
Oct 2024
It was really interesting to learn about the history. The guide was very interesting and was open to answer our questions. She has shown us the major attractions and made the rest by ourselves.
Ann Linda Carina Nyhagen
Oct 2024
Add the direction in google maps and there will be no problem. You will find people with the Tempo logo on their clothes
Aracelli Morales Leviyev
Oct 2024
I would definitely recommend a tour of Pompeii. I would also recommend daytrip shuttle to either drop you off in Pompei or take you to your next destination. Very affordable and comfortable.
Leanne Margaret Barnett
Oct 2024
Go first thing in the morning to avoid the crowds. Hat and sunscreen. We spent 5 hrs and there was still more to see. Must go is the colesium, theatre and exhibition are a must.
Lynne Mildred Glatz Jablonski
Oct 2024
The taxi ride was more than expected. If I had planned better we would have taken the train and walked from the station. Wear good shoes! The streets of pompeii are uneven at best.
Wendy bennett
Oct 2024
Get a guided tour! Bring a bottle of water Wear comfy shoes Has your phone or camera battery charged!
Brian Galea
Oct 2024
Maybe. Place signs so the visitors know where to meet their guide. I personally had to ask 4 different group leaders to find our group.
Kun Lin
Oct 2024
Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, the tour is only for 2 hrs but you can spend more time in the place to explore.
Lorraine McCaig
Oct 2024
Definitely take the train, the transport links are fantastic and station is right by the Marina entrance. Take a bottle of water as there is little shade Book on to a tour, we found a 2 hour tour was ample, we then had the pleasure of being able to explore afterwards on our own - which we enjoyed just as much
Ana Isabel Mijares Bejerano
Sep 2024
Vincenzo was our guide and he did it perfectly. Professional, good informaton and far away of oher guides who treat people as kids. We really enjoy his explanations.
Gitte Bergknut
Sep 2024
THe info in advance said no bags or backpacks allowed but everyone had a small personal handbag or backpack only large suitcases or large hiking backpacks wasn´t allowed. A more acurate information could had allowed us to bring maybe a small snack one of us has diabetes and when the tour was over his energy and insulin level was way to low a fruit or simular could had avoided that
Chandler Potts
Sep 2024
Come 30 minutes early and grab a water at the restaurant across from the entrance. You won't be late and you'll be hydrated
Penny Boyce
Sep 2024
The train station is much closer than I thought Having a guide was essential to getting the most from the visit Plan for a longer stay than just the guided tour
Michael Dunn
Sep 2024
The train from Garibaldi to Pompeii requires the Circumvesuviana line. Very easy quick and cheap to use. 25mins ish journey. In warmer months advised to take a bottle of water in with you as you'll be doing a lot of walking and not that much shade about. Highly recommend a guided tour to get the most out of the visit...you'll learn a lot!!!
Andrew Murray
Sep 2024
Getting to Pompeii is a hassle. The restaurant across from the entrance has good food and service. The guide, Antonella is fantastic
Daniella M Resto
Sep 2024
-explore the area -ask questions, try to speak the language as much as you can -make sure you have euros for bathroom breaks outside the park.
Andrew Rybar
Sep 2024
Eat before the tour. If going in the summer, wear comfortable shoes, and water possibly. The lines for food and drink are long and expensive. Plan something to do after the tour. Pompeii is a small town outside of the site, and I only spent three hours there.
Darby Bronson
Sep 2024
The place is incredible and very big. In this tour you only cover half of it , so if you want to allow more time to stay and explore more on your own, we highly recommend it. Bring an umbrella or ponchos just in case of inclement weather.
Klaus K. D. Kattenhoej
Sep 2024
Parring should have been suggested close to meeting point. We Walker 2km to get to entrance. Discounted parring Which could be reserved upfront could be a Treat. Why dont Askos Try to upsell idle spots on Napels wonders or visiting vesuv at a 20% discount, if idle placer left for early starters after the ruin and free Extra Parkinsons time.
Tracey Smith
Sep 2024
Book a tour to avoid queues Were good foot wear as very uneven surfaces Arrive in plenty of time as very busy
Margaret Dorman
Sep 2024
Just go prepared for wet weather poncho , umbrella. Take a hat , water & a snack it's a full 2 hours .
David Stover
Sep 2024
you can learn a lot more with a guide. It costs 18 euro to get in anyway, so the tour was only an additional 20. Well worth it.
Richard Cecchini
Sep 2024
Park at Zeus since it is so close to the entrance. Also can take the train as there is a stop right there as well. Definitely book a tour so you will learn some history and know what you are looking at.
Monique Afonso
Sep 2024
Try to time the train as best as possible from Napoli. Use the bathroom before the tour starts Take water Enjoy!
Christopher James
Sep 2024
Be early. They start the tour early if everyone is there. Don't go to the toilet if they say you have time - you don't. Watch for where the tour guide is. If you have the little ticket voucher then when you go through keep walking past the glass booth you will see the turnstiles. This wasn't clear to us.
Mike Lay
Sep 2024
They tell you to meet at a specific address, but there is a lot of stuff going on at that location. They need to tell you to "come up to the second floor in the red building that is right down the street from the entrance."
Petya Petkova
Sep 2024
Plan a whole day in Pompeii, you can stay and explore after the tour is complete. I didn't know this and had other plans after it. 2 hours in Pompeii is not nearly enough.
kerry ann cleaver
Sep 2024
Make sure to arrive earlier than expected. Take lots of water, wear appropriate footwear - the amount of flip flops is mad. And watch your step, a woman fell and hit her head on a step in our group, it's of course not going to be an easy explore, so wear the right things
Matilde Slavensky Debois
Sep 2024
Go in good time incase of waiting time. Have plenty water. Good shoes for the walk. A guided tour is recommended for the ruins, and spend some time on you own afterwards, it is worth it!
Ken Cotun
Sep 2024
Have a driver bring you up the site for ease of drop off and pickup without parking. A guide makes the tour become "real". Wear comfortable shoes and bring water.
Peder Christian Haarbye
Sep 2024
Do a small group guided tour. And we recommend Franchesco, Franki if possible. His english is easy to understand, he is funny and he is deeply interested in the subjects he talks about. And he really takes his time to make sure that everybody is on the same page as him. No rush.
Joanne Stork
Sep 2024
Give yourself time to find the guide In summer go early as it's very hot Access on the train was very easy Take water and wear shoes that you can walk on uneven ground
Amanda Coleman
Sep 2024
We did the early tour and I really recommend it. Not only does Pompeii get really crowded, it also gets very hot as there is limited shade.
Andrew Logie
Sep 2024
Perhaps a little more information about the scale of Pompeii in case you want to spend the day there. 66 football fields is useful to understand the scale.
Yvonne Pownall
Sep 2024
Catch the train to Pompeii - it's very easy. Take a hat and water - there is little shade. Wear good shoes - lots of walking over uneven streets Book with Headout - they are first class!
Nicola J Warren
Sep 2024
We hired scooters so we had autonomy on arrival and departure which was a challenge but achievable. Take a LOT if water and a fan if possible as was a very hot day. Sneakers were essential as terrain was rough/bumpy most of the way. Jandals/sandals not recommended.
Jeanette Williamson
Sep 2024
Take plenty of water with you or buy an iced bottled from the shop close by as it was only 1euro50. Comfortable walking shoes as lots of uneven cobble stones. Allow plenty of time to travel to the venue as traffic was busy. Definitely eat in the restaurant as you come out of the exit from Pompeii. We had a great meal there and they were so helpful and friendly.
Agnieszka Klimek-Cheba
Sep 2024
Get in the meeting point 30-20 minutes prior to the tour starts, there are plenty of huge, organized tours around, lots of people passing by every minute so additional time might be needed to get to your guide.
Joanne Walsh
Sep 2024
definately book ahead trains are easy to navigate and inexpensive take water and a hat as there is very little cover/shade in Pompeii
Marie Hermansson
Sep 2024
It takes longer then the 2h it says on the booking, at least for my group since we didn't start the actual tour until about 30min after.
Kerry Dale
Sep 2024
Get there early as Pompeii was extremely hot. We went before lunch and found the temperature v warm.
Yvonne Bedford
Sep 2024
Book online day before, travel be train. Wear comfortable shoes, take hat or umbrella, make a note of train station location. Don't go to pompeii station go to Villa dei Misteria station.
Alison Croft
Sep 2024
Definitely book a guided tour to get the most out of the experience. Would recommend going at end of the day. It was quiet and we could see everything easily. Also less hot.
Margaret Vargas
Sep 2024
Do not forget your sunglasses and a hat or umbrella for sun protection...it was super hot! Bring a water bottle! Or better yet Gatorade! Wear very comfortable walking shoes...we covered a minimum of 12 miles on uneven stones.
Gabrielle Cohen
Sep 2024
Our guide Francesca was really excellent. She shared rich insight and detail that made the tour and overall visit really exciting and engaging. We cannot rate her enough.
Kiera Druhan
Aug 2024
Bring plenty of water and sunscreen. Get there early if you need to store bags or grab something to eat. Make sure to leave yourself time after the tour to continue exploring before you have to leave the area. There is so much more to see if you take the time to walk around.
Patricia Alonso-Gamo
Aug 2024
Do visit early un the morning, less people and less hot. There is parking near the meeting point. See the Villa dei Misteri. There is a bar /food/drinks inside -- super welcome
Raymond Bleau
Aug 2024
Give two hours for the tour. We had English speaking guide with ear pieces for audio. Was very warm but our guide found many places in the shade to give some overviews. Loved the archeological dig site we could get above and observe. Much bigger than we imagined.
Chad Monson
Aug 2024
1. Go as early in the day as your schedule will allow. In the summer....it's hot. 2. Bring water! 3. Don't wear flat sandals, while I didn't wear them I saw others that did and there are a few places that more sensible footwear would have been more comfortable.
Joel Peterson
Aug 2024
Look for the sign with your name Show up 10 min early Bring water Wear comfy walking shoes Wear sunscreen
Aug 2024
The trains are often, don't arrive much earlier since you won't be able to do much since the crowded part of the city is at some walking distance.
Lucy Oldershaw
Aug 2024
We arrived early and even after having a leisurely lunch, had lots of time before our tour. I would recommend 2 hours is plenty of time for lunch if you have a skip the line tour. Take water. Comfy shoes Hats
Monika Wasniowska
Aug 2024
Look for the guide at the meeting point. They are there even though they are not quite noticeable in the crowd.
Jennifer bennett
Aug 2024
Book in advance. Go early. Take a hat, plenty of water and maybe an umbrella during the hotter months. There is little shade in Pompeii.
Joao Carlos Freitas
Aug 2024
Take light cloting, good waliking shoes and a bottle of water. I also recommend to take the morning tour.
Robert Williamson
Aug 2024
Make sure you have the correct entry tickets and research exactly where the site information point is to get your entry tickets and to meet your tour guide.
Susan Armstrong
Nov 2024
You are brought to the sites that have significance, and save much time and walking. The ability to interact with/ask questions of someone who is knowledgeable is much better than an audio guide.
Laura Magliveras
Nov 2024
Our guide, Julia, was fantastic. She was extremely knowledgable and enthusiastic and added a light humorous touch so that we learnt loads without realising it.
Susan Armstrong
Nov 2024
You are brought to the sites that have significance, and save much time and walking. The ability to interact with/ask questions of someone who is knowledgeable is much better than an audio guide.
Laura Magliveras
Nov 2024
Our guide, Julia, was fantastic. She was extremely knowledgable and enthusiastic and added a light humorous touch so that we learnt loads without realising it.
Kabrina Piirlaid
Nov 2024
Definitely the guided tour we did tours of other places in Rome etc and the guided tours are always better
Ron Linn
Nov 2024
Excellent knowledgable guide rather than trying to find information ourselves was ideal. Earpiece listening to guide much better than trying to be close to hear all information.
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Much better to have a guide. The site is very big and you need to have someone who can be concise and bring all the important elements of the site together. And you can ask questions!!!
Kerstin Marie johansson Nordqvist
Oct 2024
You get a lot of details, a lot of history that you dont get otherwise. There are not a lot of signs inside so you have to have some sort of guide.
Bernarde Kilgallon
Oct 2024
Yes, we felt that entry to the site was prompt and the information we were given form the guide gave a great idea of what life was like in Pompeii, also the explination of the frescos and different buildings gave us a great insight to how the town worked.
Sandy Clark
Oct 2024
You get the story associated with the location without having to read through it real time (and tidbits that are not in the books) & your group access some of the sites easier than individuals.
Elizabeth Aste
Oct 2024
There is so much to see, you really need an expert to take you around to the highlights and to answer questions.
Gillian Jennings
Oct 2024
If we had just bought entry tickets to the site, we would have missed so much and been wandering around blind. Plus an audioguide isn't able to answer questions or direct you to other areas of interest once the tour has finished!!
leslie geller
Oct 2024
I would definitely recommend a guided tour! It's too large of a site with too much info to do on your own.
Shafaq Hussain
Oct 2024
Because if you get a guide like Ms Sorrento, you will learn so much! From day to day running of Pompeii, to teeth whitening to Sailors - she knows a lot!
Thomas Rodgers
Oct 2024
The information given to us and the important oarts of the site would not gave been as easy to come by without a guide
Oct 2024
Yes - a guided tour takes in some of the highlights- Pompeii is so big that otherwise it would be hard to know what to look at in one day
Sylvia Veranneman
Oct 2024
It was the left hand side of Pompei that we saw. We visited the other side on our own but with guide is much better to get all the information and to be able to ask questions
Liz Bond
Oct 2024
A guide can tailor the experience to your knowledge level, and they know some brilliant stories which, for me, made the experience far more relevant and engaging.
Oct 2024
Guided tour is much better as you can ask questions of the archaeologist during your tour. and they give you lots of tidbits of information you would not otherwise get
Carrie Jane Ann Persad
Oct 2024
I would only recomend a tour guide because having some to explain what you are seeeing is important in the value of your visit.
Conor Fitzpatrick
Oct 2024
It is much better to have a guide point out and explain what you are looking at rather than an audio guide. You can also ask a guide clarification questions and get more of a story rather than just facts.
Harold Robert Wiley
Oct 2024
Roxanne provided up to date info that I am not sure I would have gotten from an audio guide and it was so much more personable
Karen Vaughan
Oct 2024
See previous comments. Pompeii is a vast site and could be overwhelming to walk round. Having a guide gave us such a lot of information and insights we were able to carry on after the tour with a much better perspective on everything around us. The tour brought so much to life and enabled us to have a real emotional connection with the citizens of the town at the time of the eruption.
Monica Wolf
Oct 2024
Very helpful to have a guide point out interesting sites and have background info, including why they had dancing penis decor! ��
Aracelli Morales Leviyev
Oct 2024
We wanted to make sure we learned about Pompei as we were seeing it in order to really appreciate the history.
Lesley McEwan
Oct 2024
Having someone explain the city and how it operated and how houses were laid gave an insight that could be missed just walking about. I loved the new elevated area were you could see where the current excavations were being carried out.
Lynne Mildred Glatz Jablonski
Oct 2024
We wanted to make sure we understood what we were looking at and that we had a timed entry into Pompeii. Our guide was very knowledgeable and interesting. We had a great experience.
Wendy bennett
Oct 2024
We only had a limited time and wanted to ensure we saw as much as possible and with as much information as possible.
Brian Galea
Oct 2024
The guide was able to explain clearly how and when these incidents occurred and answered any questions we had.
Lorraine McCaig
Oct 2024
We wanted a tour with a guide so we could have more of an insite to the history and experiences of pompeii
Gitte Bergknut
Sep 2024
A guided tour give a more personal experience and on a large site it´s valuable that the guide can pick points of special intrest
Michael Dunn
Sep 2024
I really liked the idea of the option to have a tour with an archaeologist. I believe the guides name was Sara, but I cannot remember for sure unfortunately. But the guide was absolutely amazing. She was so knowledgeable, answered any questions people had, and spoke so well and at a perfect speed so everyone could understand and follow what was being explained.
Colleen M Lyons
Sep 2024
We read the reviews and wanted to get the knowledge from our time spent there. Hillary was a great guide, very informative and funny and spoke very well.
Christopher James
Sep 2024
We had very little knowledge of the history of Pompei and others said a tour was definitely yhe way to go.
Mike Lay
Sep 2024
To get some local knowledge versus just wandering around the property ourselves. Our guide was very good, got us around the property efficiently, and showed us a lot of good stuff on our 2-hour tour.
kerry ann cleaver
Sep 2024
I wanted to see the highlights and be told information, the site would have been to big for me to venture on my own in the time I had
Ken Cotun
Sep 2024
Only had two hours on the way to Rome. The tour was perfect to gain local knowledge and see the more significant areas of the excavation.
Peder Christian Haarbye
Sep 2024
To get a better understanding of the site (Pompeii) and to use the time spent in the most efficient way.
Anne Lebel
Sep 2024
We knew the site was very large, and we wanted a professional to guide us through so we could learn.
Andrew Logie
Sep 2024
Through a google search and positive reviews. We had limited time and a guide seemed like the best way to learn while we explored.
Nicola J Warren
Sep 2024
We thought it best to hear about the history of the site to gain better knowledge of what we were looking at.
Marie Hermansson
Sep 2024
To get the most out of the experience and to learn about the history. The guide was really good at explaining what everything was and so on.
Yvonne Bedford
Sep 2024
On leaving the train station we instantly saw a guide from the company who showed us were to go for the tickets we bought online. Excellent guide, who told us everything we needed to know. He had an excellent sense of humour and we thoroughly enjoyed our guided tour. Would definitely recommend!
Alison Croft
Sep 2024
Not very up on history/archeology. Reckoned it would be better to have a knowledgable guide so we knew what we were looking at!
Margaret Vargas
Sep 2024
I traveled over 6000 miles to experience this. So I wanted the best experience I could get and you gave it to me!!!
Christopher Whetton
Sep 2024
On suggestion from a friend, we were told a guide would be best. Our Archeologist guide was amazing and so knowledgeable. Would not have done it any other way.
Kiera Druhan
Aug 2024
This was our first time visiting Pompeii and we wanted to have the chance to fully experience as much as we could.
Patricia Alonso-Gamo
Aug 2024
Get some information and get more out of the visit. Skip the line But I ended up loving the tour guide. She was really excellent, informative, knowledgeable and funny. I really enjoyed the tour.
Raymond Bleau
Aug 2024
We were looking for a guided tour so we could get as much history and info in a short period of time.
Chad Monson
Aug 2024
I wanted to make the most of my time there. While I would have loved to take 4-6 hours to experience it all at a leisurely pace, I knew it would be hot and wanted to learn more from an archeologist.
Aug 2024
Our friends that visited before us Pompei told us to definitely book a guided tour in order not to miss the important information of the site.
Lucy Oldershaw
Aug 2024
We had visited Pompeii before with a guide, and wanted our children to benefit from the knowledge of a guided tour.
Joao Carlos Freitas
Aug 2024
It was simply to avoid the queues and most importantly to get a guided tour so that we could achieve a perfect understanding into the history of Pompeii.
Robert Williamson
Aug 2024
To take advantage of the tour guides knowledge in navigating and getting good information regarding the site for the time of the tour.
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Ensure you get there in good time. A lot easier by train and there is a connecting bus from the station to the site. Make sure you have some strong walk shoes/boots
Melinda Stenger
Nov 2024
1. Get there early! 2. park at a nearby restaurant and eat lunch there then parking is free. 3. be prepared for all types of weather - it rained and we had umbrellas and the tour continued without the crowds!
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Ensure you get there in good time. A lot easier by train and there is a connecting bus from the station to the site. Make sure you have some strong walk shoes/boots
Melinda Stenger
Nov 2024
1. Get there early! 2. park at a nearby restaurant and eat lunch there then parking is free. 3. be prepared for all types of weather - it rained and we had umbrellas and the tour continued without the crowds!
Eszter Sznezsana Gombas
Nov 2024
We entered Pompei at noon. Maybe in the morning there are fewer visitors and the atmosphere is even more authentic.
Keshia Meikle
Nov 2024
You will want to explore more after the tour ends. If you leave Pompeii at 5 when it closes all of the gift shops will already be closed. Get an archaeologist guide! Take lots of pictures and notes to revisit.
Bernarde Kilgallon
Oct 2024
wear comfortable footwear have plenty of cold water Visit early as even in October it was very warm on site take your time, even after the guided tour ends. take a break and continue on exploring the site
Amanda Scott
Oct 2024
Book a tour with an archeologist, absolutely the best way to see Pompeii Wear comfy shoes Read about Pompeii before you go There are a number of cafes outside the site so its easy to have a lunch or snack after your tour
Gillian Jennings
Oct 2024
Wear comfortable clothes and prepare to walk some distance. We visited on a warm day at the end of October and struggled to find any shade - in summer, be sure to take protection against the sun and heat.
Dean C DiGiovanni
Oct 2024
plan out train schedule, almost missed mine because of it. expect to walk alot give some time post tour to explore its worth it.
James Palmer
Oct 2024
The walking area is quite rocky and uneven. We were very glad to have our walking sticks. No matter the temperature you need water.
Thomas Rodgers
Oct 2024
We booked the 1.00 tour and as it was October the weather was cooler and better for walking around. Its not something I would like to do.in the height of summer.
Sylvia Veranneman
Oct 2024
Go with a guide and try to see the priorities because impossible to see it all Make enough time if you visit on your own Take a bottle of water and a small umbrella (against sun or rain)
Liz Bond
Oct 2024
We were lucky to visit on a day when there were no cruise ships in the bay so it was less crowded. We had a tour in the morning and stayed until the site closed at 7, and there was still so much to see- don't expect to cover everything. Booking a tour in the morning gives you a really good basis for exploring on your own afterwards.
Conor Fitzpatrick
Oct 2024
Wear comfortable walking shoes. Download the Pompeii app in advance and review where you would like to go after the tour. There is not much cover so prepare for the weather.
Stella power
Oct 2024
Take time to try and understand the map . Take your own food Remember a hat Take a power bank for your phone
Karen Vaughan
Oct 2024
It was good to have time after the tour to take a break and then walk round other parts of the town. Having a guide really brings everything alive.
Elizabeth Owen
Oct 2024
On arrival by train you are made to feel you have to buy tickets there - but actually you can at the gate. We were there in October and there were no queues.
Stephanie Jayne Tutin
Oct 2024
Book in advance and do a bit of a research. The train will be PACKED so travel light, but there is a luggage storage option at the station. Wear comfy shoes!
Lindsay Redford
Oct 2024
I wish I'd booked an organised trip to get to Pompeii from where we were staying. Rather than ferry and train which left us rushing and pushed for time
Adam Watkins
Oct 2024
If you read the instructions you will be amazed how easy it all is. From the station to the meeting point and the nice audio system to hear all the important things
Lesley Dawn Graves
Oct 2024
We went in early October. The weather was good, and although it was very busy, can only imagine how or would be in high summer!!
Guylaine J. Martel
Oct 2024
It was really interesting to learn about the history. The guide was very interesting and was open to answer our questions. She has shown us the major attractions and made the rest by ourselves.
Ann Linda Carina Nyhagen
Oct 2024
Add the direction in google maps and there will be no problem. You will find people with the Tempo logo on their clothes
Aracelli Morales Leviyev
Oct 2024
I would definitely recommend a tour of Pompeii. I would also recommend daytrip shuttle to either drop you off in Pompei or take you to your next destination. Very affordable and comfortable.
Leanne Margaret Barnett
Oct 2024
Go first thing in the morning to avoid the crowds. Hat and sunscreen. We spent 5 hrs and there was still more to see. Must go is the colesium, theatre and exhibition are a must.
Lynne Mildred Glatz Jablonski
Oct 2024
The taxi ride was more than expected. If I had planned better we would have taken the train and walked from the station. Wear good shoes! The streets of pompeii are uneven at best.
Wendy bennett
Oct 2024
Get a guided tour! Bring a bottle of water Wear comfy shoes Has your phone or camera battery charged!
Brian Galea
Oct 2024
Maybe. Place signs so the visitors know where to meet their guide. I personally had to ask 4 different group leaders to find our group.
Kun Lin
Oct 2024
Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, the tour is only for 2 hrs but you can spend more time in the place to explore.
Lorraine McCaig
Oct 2024
Definitely take the train, the transport links are fantastic and station is right by the Marina entrance. Take a bottle of water as there is little shade Book on to a tour, we found a 2 hour tour was ample, we then had the pleasure of being able to explore afterwards on our own - which we enjoyed just as much
Ana Isabel Mijares Bejerano
Sep 2024
Vincenzo was our guide and he did it perfectly. Professional, good informaton and far away of oher guides who treat people as kids. We really enjoy his explanations.
Gitte Bergknut
Sep 2024
THe info in advance said no bags or backpacks allowed but everyone had a small personal handbag or backpack only large suitcases or large hiking backpacks wasn´t allowed. A more acurate information could had allowed us to bring maybe a small snack one of us has diabetes and when the tour was over his energy and insulin level was way to low a fruit or simular could had avoided that
Chandler Potts
Sep 2024
Come 30 minutes early and grab a water at the restaurant across from the entrance. You won't be late and you'll be hydrated
Penny Boyce
Sep 2024
The train station is much closer than I thought Having a guide was essential to getting the most from the visit Plan for a longer stay than just the guided tour
Michael Dunn
Sep 2024
The train from Garibaldi to Pompeii requires the Circumvesuviana line. Very easy quick and cheap to use. 25mins ish journey. In warmer months advised to take a bottle of water in with you as you'll be doing a lot of walking and not that much shade about. Highly recommend a guided tour to get the most out of the visit...you'll learn a lot!!!
Andrew Murray
Sep 2024
Getting to Pompeii is a hassle. The restaurant across from the entrance has good food and service. The guide, Antonella is fantastic
Daniella M Resto
Sep 2024
-explore the area -ask questions, try to speak the language as much as you can -make sure you have euros for bathroom breaks outside the park.
Andrew Rybar
Sep 2024
Eat before the tour. If going in the summer, wear comfortable shoes, and water possibly. The lines for food and drink are long and expensive. Plan something to do after the tour. Pompeii is a small town outside of the site, and I only spent three hours there.
Darby Bronson
Sep 2024
The place is incredible and very big. In this tour you only cover half of it , so if you want to allow more time to stay and explore more on your own, we highly recommend it. Bring an umbrella or ponchos just in case of inclement weather.
Klaus K. D. Kattenhoej
Sep 2024
Parring should have been suggested close to meeting point. We Walker 2km to get to entrance. Discounted parring Which could be reserved upfront could be a Treat. Why dont Askos Try to upsell idle spots on Napels wonders or visiting vesuv at a 20% discount, if idle placer left for early starters after the ruin and free Extra Parkinsons time.
Tracey Smith
Sep 2024
Book a tour to avoid queues Were good foot wear as very uneven surfaces Arrive in plenty of time as very busy
Margaret Dorman
Sep 2024
Just go prepared for wet weather poncho , umbrella. Take a hat , water & a snack it's a full 2 hours .
David Stover
Sep 2024
you can learn a lot more with a guide. It costs 18 euro to get in anyway, so the tour was only an additional 20. Well worth it.
Richard Cecchini
Sep 2024
Park at Zeus since it is so close to the entrance. Also can take the train as there is a stop right there as well. Definitely book a tour so you will learn some history and know what you are looking at.
Monique Afonso
Sep 2024
Try to time the train as best as possible from Napoli. Use the bathroom before the tour starts Take water Enjoy!
Christopher James
Sep 2024
Be early. They start the tour early if everyone is there. Don't go to the toilet if they say you have time - you don't. Watch for where the tour guide is. If you have the little ticket voucher then when you go through keep walking past the glass booth you will see the turnstiles. This wasn't clear to us.
Mike Lay
Sep 2024
They tell you to meet at a specific address, but there is a lot of stuff going on at that location. They need to tell you to "come up to the second floor in the red building that is right down the street from the entrance."
Petya Petkova
Sep 2024
Plan a whole day in Pompeii, you can stay and explore after the tour is complete. I didn't know this and had other plans after it. 2 hours in Pompeii is not nearly enough.
kerry ann cleaver
Sep 2024
Make sure to arrive earlier than expected. Take lots of water, wear appropriate footwear - the amount of flip flops is mad. And watch your step, a woman fell and hit her head on a step in our group, it's of course not going to be an easy explore, so wear the right things
Matilde Slavensky Debois
Sep 2024
Go in good time incase of waiting time. Have plenty water. Good shoes for the walk. A guided tour is recommended for the ruins, and spend some time on you own afterwards, it is worth it!
Ken Cotun
Sep 2024
Have a driver bring you up the site for ease of drop off and pickup without parking. A guide makes the tour become "real". Wear comfortable shoes and bring water.
Peder Christian Haarbye
Sep 2024
Do a small group guided tour. And we recommend Franchesco, Franki if possible. His english is easy to understand, he is funny and he is deeply interested in the subjects he talks about. And he really takes his time to make sure that everybody is on the same page as him. No rush.
Joanne Stork
Sep 2024
Give yourself time to find the guide In summer go early as it's very hot Access on the train was very easy Take water and wear shoes that you can walk on uneven ground
Amanda Coleman
Sep 2024
We did the early tour and I really recommend it. Not only does Pompeii get really crowded, it also gets very hot as there is limited shade.
Andrew Logie
Sep 2024
Perhaps a little more information about the scale of Pompeii in case you want to spend the day there. 66 football fields is useful to understand the scale.
Yvonne Pownall
Sep 2024
Catch the train to Pompeii - it's very easy. Take a hat and water - there is little shade. Wear good shoes - lots of walking over uneven streets Book with Headout - they are first class!
Nicola J Warren
Sep 2024
We hired scooters so we had autonomy on arrival and departure which was a challenge but achievable. Take a LOT if water and a fan if possible as was a very hot day. Sneakers were essential as terrain was rough/bumpy most of the way. Jandals/sandals not recommended.
Jeanette Williamson
Sep 2024
Take plenty of water with you or buy an iced bottled from the shop close by as it was only 1euro50. Comfortable walking shoes as lots of uneven cobble stones. Allow plenty of time to travel to the venue as traffic was busy. Definitely eat in the restaurant as you come out of the exit from Pompeii. We had a great meal there and they were so helpful and friendly.
Agnieszka Klimek-Cheba
Sep 2024
Get in the meeting point 30-20 minutes prior to the tour starts, there are plenty of huge, organized tours around, lots of people passing by every minute so additional time might be needed to get to your guide.
Joanne Walsh
Sep 2024
definately book ahead trains are easy to navigate and inexpensive take water and a hat as there is very little cover/shade in Pompeii
Marie Hermansson
Sep 2024
It takes longer then the 2h it says on the booking, at least for my group since we didn't start the actual tour until about 30min after.
Kerry Dale
Sep 2024
Get there early as Pompeii was extremely hot. We went before lunch and found the temperature v warm.
Yvonne Bedford
Sep 2024
Book online day before, travel be train. Wear comfortable shoes, take hat or umbrella, make a note of train station location. Don't go to pompeii station go to Villa dei Misteria station.
Alison Croft
Sep 2024
Definitely book a guided tour to get the most out of the experience. Would recommend going at end of the day. It was quiet and we could see everything easily. Also less hot.
Margaret Vargas
Sep 2024
Do not forget your sunglasses and a hat or umbrella for sun protection...it was super hot! Bring a water bottle! Or better yet Gatorade! Wear very comfortable walking shoes...we covered a minimum of 12 miles on uneven stones.
Gabrielle Cohen
Sep 2024
Our guide Francesca was really excellent. She shared rich insight and detail that made the tour and overall visit really exciting and engaging. We cannot rate her enough.
Kiera Druhan
Aug 2024
Bring plenty of water and sunscreen. Get there early if you need to store bags or grab something to eat. Make sure to leave yourself time after the tour to continue exploring before you have to leave the area. There is so much more to see if you take the time to walk around.
Patricia Alonso-Gamo
Aug 2024
Do visit early un the morning, less people and less hot. There is parking near the meeting point. See the Villa dei Misteri. There is a bar /food/drinks inside -- super welcome
Raymond Bleau
Aug 2024
Give two hours for the tour. We had English speaking guide with ear pieces for audio. Was very warm but our guide found many places in the shade to give some overviews. Loved the archeological dig site we could get above and observe. Much bigger than we imagined.
Chad Monson
Aug 2024
1. Go as early in the day as your schedule will allow. In the summer....it's hot. 2. Bring water! 3. Don't wear flat sandals, while I didn't wear them I saw others that did and there are a few places that more sensible footwear would have been more comfortable.
Joel Peterson
Aug 2024
Look for the sign with your name Show up 10 min early Bring water Wear comfy walking shoes Wear sunscreen
Aug 2024
The trains are often, don't arrive much earlier since you won't be able to do much since the crowded part of the city is at some walking distance.
Lucy Oldershaw
Aug 2024
We arrived early and even after having a leisurely lunch, had lots of time before our tour. I would recommend 2 hours is plenty of time for lunch if you have a skip the line tour. Take water. Comfy shoes Hats
Monika Wasniowska
Aug 2024
Look for the guide at the meeting point. They are there even though they are not quite noticeable in the crowd.
Jennifer bennett
Aug 2024
Book in advance. Go early. Take a hat, plenty of water and maybe an umbrella during the hotter months. There is little shade in Pompeii.
Joao Carlos Freitas
Aug 2024
Take light cloting, good waliking shoes and a bottle of water. I also recommend to take the morning tour.
Robert Williamson
Aug 2024
Make sure you have the correct entry tickets and research exactly where the site information point is to get your entry tickets and to meet your tour guide.
Clara Secnik
Nov 2024
We arrived via taxi from Naples port. We searched for a tour that included transportation however this was not readily available
Line Due Buron
Nov 2024
By car from Naples center (Apcoa urban parking). Off season it was okay to go to Pompeji by car. Nice big parking spaces in the shadow were available. But generally I would not recommend to go to Naples by car. Especially not if you have a big car. We went in our 7-seater and parking and traffic in Naples center has been a bit of a nightmare�� Traffic is really crazy and parking places assume that you have a small car.
Clara Secnik
Nov 2024
We arrived via taxi from Naples port. We searched for a tour that included transportation however this was not readily available
Line Due Buron
Nov 2024
By car from Naples center (Apcoa urban parking). Off season it was okay to go to Pompeji by car. Nice big parking spaces in the shadow were available. But generally I would not recommend to go to Naples by car. Especially not if you have a big car. We went in our 7-seater and parking and traffic in Naples center has been a bit of a nightmare�� Traffic is really crazy and parking places assume that you have a small car.
Gillian Jennings
Oct 2024
We travelled from Sorrento to Pompeii on thw circumvesuviana railway. Perfectly safe and not too crowded - we left at 8:50AM on a Thursday morning. As we were at the start of the line, we easily got seats.
Barbara Yuppa
Oct 2024
Unfortunately, there was a train strike the morning we were going and had to take a taxi . Otherwise the train lets you off directly at the gate.
John Hoare
Oct 2024
Came by train from Serrento, stayed 2 days & then came to Naples....all good on frequent train routes
Liz Bond
Oct 2024
We got the metro Linea 1 to Garibaldi and changed to the Circumvesuviana line to Pompeii Scavi (direction Sorrento). It was packed, but very cheap and only 30 minutes on the train.
Oct 2024
We drove with personal rental car so that we would have total Freedom on our vacation. parking was very easy and affordable.
Elizabeth Owen
Oct 2024
The train - Circumvesuviana - let us down on the way home and we had to wait more than an hour for a train.
Monica Wolf
Oct 2024
Took a train from Naples to the Pompei Scavi stop. Very convent that the meeting point and entry were right there
Lisa Johnstone
Oct 2024
Caught the bus and train, cheap but took about an hour and a half. Which we didn't take into account
Adam Watkins
Oct 2024
We found it super easy to get to Pompeii. We took the train from Naples and found the train station very quaint and easy to manage. The directions for the meeting point were spot on with the picture and map access. Only complaint was not having any air conditioning on the train back to Naples nothing you can control
Mark Symons
Nov 2024
Seeing the roads and actually see things that they used years ago been used in similar fashion today
Susan Armstrong
Nov 2024
Getting a better understanding of Roman society at that time. I wanted to see the destruction as well.
Mark Symons
Nov 2024
Seeing the roads and actually see things that they used years ago been used in similar fashion today
Susan Armstrong
Nov 2024
Getting a better understanding of Roman society at that time. I wanted to see the destruction as well.
Mark Wettern
Nov 2024
Always been interested in Roman archeology (Chester walls, Wroxeter, Vindolanda - demolished and rebuilt 9 times by the Roman army and many mosaics in England and Italy). Pompei excells as it is more complete.
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Seeing the bodies was quite surreal. Surprised just how big the site is. All the different buildings, the stepping stones across the street was a good touch.
Melinda Stenger
Nov 2024
The rich brother's house seeing the art and intact house and the hot bath area that then lead to the bar area across the street and the fact they had restaurants!
Line Due Buron
Nov 2024
The arena was very impressing and well preserved and also has a Pink Floyd exhibition. The houses of the rich people of Pompeji are also very impressing.
Bernarde Kilgallon
Oct 2024
We felt the whole tour was amazing, we have been excited to visit for so long that just being there was fantastic but to see what has yet to be explored and watch the archaeologists at work was great. The displays with different artefacts and moulds were sad but surreal to see
Ellen Eisses
Oct 2024
The whole exhibit was fascinating..it's hard to imagine a city so big completely gone yet being restored!
Gillian Jennings
Oct 2024
Seeing the frescos and artwork that had survived for so many thousands of years was incredible. We also enjoyed having some of the naughty graffiti and signs pointed out to us along the way too!
Liz Bond
Oct 2024
Seeing the areas that had only been opened for a couple of months and were really beautifully preserved. Our guide Nicolette told brilliant stories and made it all a very rich experience.
Stella power
Oct 2024
The houses towards the forum where the wall paintings show what it must have been like to live in them .
Karen Vaughan
Oct 2024
The stories from our guide of life in the city at the time. Having our guide relate what we were seeing to the bigger historical picture. Both in the past and the present.How our guide made us connect emotionally to the people of the past. Visiting The current archaeological dig .
Stephanie Jayne Tutin
Oct 2024
I asked my friend this question and she said 'all of it's. It was great to visit a piece of history and see the new statues and the ruins. Loved the stepping stones down the streets or 'zebra crossings'
Adam Watkins
Oct 2024
We loved it all. We thought the tour was the perfect amount of time and we felt like we hit a lot of the highlights.
Ruthie H. Rieder
Dec 2024
Alfredo was our guide and he was fabulous. Informative, fast paced, but took the time to answer questions and gaze at artifacts.
Richard Hauxwell
Dec 2024
Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable about Pompeii. Her english was fantastic. You could tell she had tailored it to the age ranges of the audience, she was mindful of potentially innappropriate content of the tour and advised parents accordingly. Would highly reccommend!
Ruthie H. Rieder
Dec 2024
Alfredo was our guide and he was fabulous. Informative, fast paced, but took the time to answer questions and gaze at artifacts.
Richard Hauxwell
Dec 2024
Our tour guide was extremely knowledgeable about Pompeii. Her english was fantastic. You could tell she had tailored it to the age ranges of the audience, she was mindful of potentially innappropriate content of the tour and advised parents accordingly. Would highly reccommend!
Edwin Rubadue
Dec 2024
Went first thing in the morning, 0900. The crowds were negligible. It wasn't empty, but it was easy to take good pictures and get close to the things you wanted to see. Our guide was amazing. She managed to keep my five years old interested throughout, even to the point that he got upset his ear piece kept falling out. That my only critique, and not of this tour or the guide. The head phones provided is a single ear piece without foam or rubber to help hold it in place. It's like the original ear bud and those aren't very one-size fits all. Bring your own head phones for anyone under 12 or so.
Glynnis Perruccio
Nov 2024
There was so much to see it would've taken us forever and we would've never heard the stories that we heard from Sara
Susan Armstrong
Nov 2024
Really appreciated a 9 am start so there were no crowds. The guide was personable and very knowledgeable.
Laura Magliveras
Nov 2024
What made it memorable was the site of course, but more was the tour which brought the site to life. It helped to make sense of what we were looking at. I am sure going around the site without the guide would have been far less impactful
Ewa Banasiak
Nov 2024
Great tour guide. Rafaella was very knowledgeable, friendly and funy. She gave a very comprehensive tour that was very easy to follow and gave great insight to the past of the ancient city.
Kabrina Piirlaid
Nov 2024
Our guide Paolo was fantastic he was energetic and knowledgeable! My son and I had the best day! My son did a short film from the day - look up 'a day in Pompeii - short film on you tube
Ron Linn
Nov 2024
Wasn't a particularly busy day fortunately. We met with the team and our guide without any problem outside gate and all arrangements were spot on.
Dominika Trofimenková
Nov 2024
The guide Francesco was very fun, helpful, knowledgeable and ready to answer any questions. We just the tour was longer!
Mark Wettern
Nov 2024
Enjoyed our tour, it was very informative, well presented, the hearing system worked very well and our guide was clear and fluent in English. My wife walks but needs frequent pauses and fortunately was able to complete (just). I'd love to come back for more detailed information (and combine with a couple of weeks at Procida)
Brian Moore
Nov 2024
Met the group outside the entrance gates. Was very week organised. Raphaela Was an awesome guide. She ensured everyone was kept together. Very knowledgeable. Really helped bring the history alive!
Marie Louise van Beek
Nov 2024
Tourguide Enrico patiently waited for us, while we were running late. We could join the next high light tour. We could easily find him. He knows a lot and was extremely funny! It truly was worth it to do a tour in Pompeii.
Clara Secnik
Nov 2024
Our tour guide was a very passionate expert of the history and way of life in Pompeii. Her communication style and delivery were highly effective. The tour was excellent
Richard Shaffner
Nov 2024
Great guide. The ruins are too big and complex to cover and understand easily with out a good guide.
Eszter Sznezsana Gombas
Nov 2024
Great guide - Theresa. Astounding ancient city - we were not prepared that Pompei is so big. One can spend a whole day there.
Amanda Cooley
Nov 2024
Great tour guide, it was a bit confusing to find the ticket area but once we were with our group it was wonderful. He allowed time for pictures. Felt like we moved along without being rushed
Line Due Buron
Nov 2024
Alessandra was a great guide. She was very knowledgeable and told lots of stories of Pompeji that made the place come to life. We enjoyed the small group and that we could ask questions along the way. Our kids age 12 and 15 also enjoyed the tour. You can tell that Alessandra is used to teaching��
Keshia Meikle
Nov 2024
I love learning about Pompeii. Our guide Marialibera was amazing! Definitely a highlight of our trip!
Margaret Claridge
Nov 2024
Easy to find the representatives at the gates. Tour guide was good and informative. A massive sight so good to do the tour and then explore yourself. We also received an email telling us about a train strike - which meant we were able to change our travel arrangements to get to Pompeii - which was such a help, otherwise we'd have been totally stressed and would have turned up late.
Kerstin Marie johansson Nordqvist
Oct 2024
Great guide! Although we wish that we could have stopped a little longer at the different places. It was really good that you had the possibility to stay at the sight after the tour.
Christian Grossmann
Oct 2024
Our guide Teresa (hope I've spelt her name right - apologies if not) was absolutely fantastic. Her knowledge and ability to pass this information on was impressive. Plus she has the perfect personality to make it fun. Thank you Teresa.
Bernarde Kilgallon
Oct 2024
We had a great guided tour of Pompeii Ruins. The tour started on time and we found it to be very informative and covered a wide area of the ruins. We had booked a Saturday in October and expected it to be busy but felt the crowd were ok within the site, it was not overcrowded.
Ellen Eisses
Oct 2024
Our experiance was great. We got there at the first tour and it just got busy towards the end. Our guide was wonderful. Full of information, helpful and joyful! His pace was excellent as well!
Dyan Beverly Focke
Oct 2024
The whole experience was incredible and our guide was awesome too he got a lot of sense of humour. We like how he did the tour very informative. Highly recommended!
Sandy Clark
Oct 2024
Valeria, our guide, was knowledgeable and patient. Pompeii fulfilled my dream of seeing it in real life.
Elizabeth Aste
Oct 2024
Alfredo was a fantastic guide! We loved our tour and would definitely recommend if visiting Pompeii.
Gillian Jennings
Oct 2024
I'm so pleased that we booked this tour - Pompeii is huge and our guide made sure that we saw the important sights, kept us moving and left us with suggestions of the other parts that we might want to visit when our time was up. She balpes us avoid the crowds on a busy day and shared lots of information about Pompeii. Highly recommended ����
Bogdan Lepir
Oct 2024
Everything was perfectly planed . A Pompei was even more beatiful with explanation of our tour leader Roxana.
Mark Kiernan
Oct 2024
We met our tour guide, Raffaella at the meeting point. After entering archaeological park of Pompei, the tour began. She proved to be a wonderful guide, animated in her descriptions giving us insights into what life might have been like in 79 AD. Her recommendations of what to see in the park after the tour were very helpful.
Oct 2024
The group was small and our tourist guide was very meticulous and everything was explained carefully so everyone could understand. We managed to see approximately 35% of Pompei. Rafaella is both an experienced tourist guide and a great person also. We would definitely recommend joining the 2 hour tour with Rafaella. Gracie Mille e arivederla!!!!!
Barbara Verrall
Oct 2024
A bit crowded in places but mostly not bad. Therese, our guide, was really informative and lovely ��
Susanne Kean
Oct 2024
The guide - Simona - was extremely knowledgeable and passionate about the site and we learned a lot during our time with her. We couldn't recommend her more highly.
Barbara Yuppa
Oct 2024
Pompeii is quite extraordinary. Our guide was very knowledgeable & had a wonderful sense of humor. I would highly recommend taking the tour with a guide.
James Palmer
Oct 2024
Benedict did an outstanding job of leading our group around the grounds. He was very easy to understand and answered all our questions.
Oct 2024
Very knowledgeable guide + amazing tour of highlights of Pompeii, with time to explore further after the tour
Ana Zekic
Oct 2024
Pompei is a must to see if you aer near by. The guide Lucia was very kind, patient and full of knowledge. Aftee the tour youm explore on your own because there to many things to see. We really enjoy visiting this site with headout.
Liz Bond
Oct 2024
Nicholette was a great tour guide, extremely knowledgeable, friendly and engaging, and she knew the site really well so although it was crowded we were able to time our tour to avoid the big queues and spend more time in other areas. This meant that we saw a lot more, and learnt enough to understand what we were seeing when we returned on our own. I would really recommend going with a guide as the brilliant stories brought it all to life. We booked a 10.30 tour and spent the rest of the day wandering around, it was fabulous.
Oct 2024
Our guide was Sara, and she was absolutely fantastic! Engaging enthusiastic interesting had a wonderful demeanor about her. she made our tour more special than it otherwise would have been. our tour was just over two hours. we saw a significant portion of the ruins. she walked slowly and explained everything really well. there were crowds 100%. but nothing like I would imagine it would be during this summer. definitely hard and tiring to walk on the uneven ground. people with mobility issues or very out of shape should definitely consider not going.
Jennifer Holevar
Oct 2024
Our guide was fantastic! She provided a wealth of information but kept it all engaging and entertaining. Not only did we appreciate having on the headset but the guide was great at making sure we were all in range of her microphone to hear her.
Carrie Jane Ann Persad
Oct 2024
Our tour guide was exceptionally good, It was very busy day and she knew exactly where to take us so we could have a better experience. I believe her name was Franchesca.
Conor Fitzpatrick
Oct 2024
Our guide Guila was brilliant, full of energy and great information. We did the tour in the rain but we forgot about the rain with all of the amazing things to see and learn about.
Harold Robert Wiley
Oct 2024
We loved our guide Roxanne. She was very knowledgeable and made the tour so interesting and fun. Great facts but also knew when to allow us to just take it in and look at it
Stella power
Oct 2024
We had a guided tour for 2 hours which was very informative and then wondered about ourselves . The guide was helpful in pointing us towards areas he wasn't able to cover . The crowds for food and drink where bad but other wise the numbers around where manageable .
Karen Vaughan
Oct 2024
We learned so much from The tour guide Antonio on our archaeological tour in English. He did a great job balancing historical and archaeological information with stories and vivid pictures of life at the time of the Vesuvius eruption. He gave a broader historical perspective too making references to the countries that we came from. We were able to continue our visit using the insights that he gave us. It was great to have small details pointed out to us that we would have probably missed. We loved visiting the current archaeological dig which Antonio advised us to see. We had seen a programme about the finds on tv and it was wonderful to see it for real.
Elizabeth Owen
Oct 2024
We were made to feel welcome, our guide showed us some key highlights and then we were able to spend the rest of the day exploring. Our guide was kind, informative and kept the group together well. There were no queues at the port marina but a friend had said to get a guide.
Monica Wolf
Oct 2024
Really cool to see and learn about the ruins and especially see the current excavation happening. Crowds were not too bad. Our guide Daniela was very informative.
Susanne Christensen
Oct 2024
We were a small group, which was very nice. Made it easy to hear the guide speaking. Wery nice guide.
Stephanie Jayne Tutin
Oct 2024
We had a great tour guide with a good sense of humour. Super sunny day, met a resident cat, interesting stories and would definitely recommend the tour experience!
Lisa Johnstone
Oct 2024
We missed our time slot, and the tour group were amazing. Nothing was a problem and they pushed us into another group straight away. An amazing tour guide Rosanna
Robert Bernard Thomas
Oct 2024
Guide was great, very knowledgeable, great attitude. Price was okay. All in all a great experience
Michael G. Richardson
Oct 2024
Our tour guide Raphael, an archeologist, was outstanding and make our experience very special! He was incredibly knowledgeable, engaging, and interesting and really brought to life the history of Pompeii and the tragedy of the Mount Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD. We did not realize the scope of the Pompeii excavations and it was fascinating glimpse into Roman history.
Marcio R. Amorim
Oct 2024
We really appreciated the knowleage shared about the site. She made it easy to imagine how the residents lived in the area.
Linda Marie Mandel
Oct 2024
we signed up for a tour with an archaeologist . Our guide was Maria and she was fabulous. Two hours of information. I saw quadrant of Pompeii. I've never seen before. I was last there in 1977 and so much has been discovered and rebuilt. I highly recommend this tour. What I really liked about it was we had an ear speaker that we used to hear her so even if we like behind to take some photos, we could hear her and find her. And it was very easy to hear the history and information she was telling us.
Raewyn Duffy
Oct 2024
Dispute the crowds our tour guide was wonderful, very informative and engaging. She brought the past alive and also had a lot of interesting details about the current excavations
Eric Bankard
Oct 2024
There was no line to wait in for our guided tour representative. The guide was very knowledgeable and entertaining!
Adam Watkins
Oct 2024
Lily was awesome!! We loved the tour and her expertise. We are still in awe of how amazing Pompeii is. The tour was right on time and was the perfect amount of time
Lesley Dawn Graves
Oct 2024
It was great to have a guide, we would have missed at least one must see villa at Pompeii if we had been on our own.
Shahid Hussain
Oct 2024
Our flight from Lisbon to Naples was delayed by three hours making it impossible to make our scheduled tour. The company went out of its way to reschedule our tour for which we are grateful.
Alexander Akulichev
Oct 2024
Great time an the absolutely incredable place. A huge amount of feelings, emotions - and also knowledge, thank to our amazing guide Michele Lamberti. He is very professional and shares ztones of the interesting facts and stories during the 2-hours tour.
Judit Sovago
Oct 2024
The tour was generally well organized with clear instructions sent well in advance so I had no difficulties finding the guide despite the crowd.
Miss Caroline Thompson
Oct 2024
At the office near the station. The guide was really good. However, instructions on how to find your office to meet up were not that good. We didn't realise it was just outside the station.
Judit Sovago
Oct 2024
The tour was generally well organized with clear instructions sent well in advance so I had no difficulties finding the guide despite the crowd.
Miss Caroline Thompson
Oct 2024
At the office near the station. The guide was really good. However, instructions on how to find your office to meet up were not that good. We didn't realise it was just outside the station.
Michael Pope
Oct 2024
This was badly organised and I had to wander around seeking advice until I happened upon the man who was gathering the tour together. When, eventually introduced to our guide, she instantly took charge, provided and excellent tour, with intelligent comments throughout and an easy, lucid presentation style, and a huge understanding of her audience's needs. A wonderful guide making up for a somewhat shambolic gathering of the participants by the organisers.
Ann Linda Carina Nyhagen
Oct 2024
I would recommend the guide to prepare tickets for those people who had a voucher, this took extra time. The guide was good, easy to understand. The mic and headphones worked great.
David Cole Sacra
Oct 2024
Juliana was great. Our tour finished at 1:30 and we drove back to Naples for the National Museum Julia. Did a great job leading our tour- very knowledgable
Lyn E Kunda
Oct 2024
Unfortunately we got lost after leaving the tour. Walked for over an hour trying to find where we started, hired a cab to get us back to where we could meet our driver to return to our hotel
Gitte Bergknut
Sep 2024
We drove to Stabia and had lunch and then to Meta and then the Amalfi coast towards Salerno then the autostrada back to Agropoli
Michael Dunn
Sep 2024
After the tour ended I was still able to walk around other areas of pompeii for another hour or two, the guide even recommended other sections on the map to go and check out.
John-David Haarhoff
Sep 2024
Each tour group was small enough, and our guide Sergio was extremely knowledgeable, his English was fantastic and he gave the right balance of history and humour. He was absolutely fantastic.
Ioannis Michalopoulos
Sep 2024
We rented a car from Naples and after our visit to Pompei, we drove to the Amalfi coast, which is a beautiful 75 minutes ride, all packed in one perfect day.
Naomi Margaret Syred
Sep 2024
The tour took all day. The guided part was 2 hours and we walked around looking at much more for another 3 hours
Margaret Dorman
Sep 2024
We immediately went & got the most delicious gelato I have ever had. We looked around the markets. The salesmen put your off they won't just let you look . We like to browse in Australia!!! We bought some lunch & sat down for a while . It was a very moving experience & well worth it .
David Harvey
Sep 2024
We were guided by the lovely and very knowledgeable Anna. We free styled after the tour to see the coloseum and other houses. A fantastic day with no rain, sun and a lovely cooling breeze.
Peder Christian Haarbye
Sep 2024
We visited the Aqueduct of Vanvitelli because we missed it the day before when we visited Reggia di Caserta.
Joanne Stork
Sep 2024
Ate lunch at a restaurant just outside then took the train to Sorrento for the afternoon then back to Maples
Yvonne Pownall
Sep 2024
We walked around Naples and we also ate pizza and bread and olives in the restaurant directly opposite the entrance to Pompeii. Highly recommend! The pizza was excellent and the price was very good value.
Agnieszka Klimek-Cheba
Sep 2024
Once the tour was over, we have roamed around Pompeii on our own, following the tips from our guide & the map handed over to us. I can highly recommend visiting Pompeii with Headout, especially with Elena (the guide)! ❤️
Yvonne Bedford
Sep 2024
Went early in the morning to avoid hottest part of the day.. Take plenty of water and snack for half way around.
Gabrielle Cohen
Sep 2024
We too the train from Naples and then walked the 25 min to the ruins. We returned back to Naples in the afternoon for a late lunch and to explore the city.
Christopher Whetton
Sep 2024
We visited the tent market... definitely prepare to haggle on prices as they start out high but are willing to go down on price.
Kiera Druhan
Aug 2024
Lunch at a restaurant in Pompei that served a selection of foods that would have been found in Pompeii hundreds of years ago.
Raymond Bleau
Aug 2024
Trip from our ship in Naples was about 30 min to and from Pompeii. Spent afternoon in Naples exploring.
Lesley McEwan
Oct 2024
We waited 10/15 minutes getting organised after our check in time. We arrived 20 minutes before that. I didn't see a queue to buy tickets so I don't know if we saved time or not.
Susan Powell
Oct 2024
I don't know how long it took to wait in line for tickets, but I was glad I purchased mine online. It made it much easier to just go to the meeting place.
Lesley McEwan
Oct 2024
We waited 10/15 minutes getting organised after our check in time. We arrived 20 minutes before that. I didn't see a queue to buy tickets so I don't know if we saved time or not.
Susan Powell
Oct 2024
I don't know how long it took to wait in line for tickets, but I was glad I purchased mine online. It made it much easier to just go to the meeting place.
Ana Isabel Mijares Bejerano
Sep 2024
We didn't have to queue but we had some problems to find the group. Veey small writing in the ticket.
Gitte Bergknut
Sep 2024
We was there early because we knew trafic and parking can take time so we waited about 30 minutes and there actually wasn´t any long queue so I don´t think we saved so much time but since we drove about 2 hours to get to Pompei it felt good to know we got tickes and a guide booked the day before so we would not drive and discover none availble or something like that.
Penny Boyce
Sep 2024
Not long at all but we arrived when a large group from a cruise liner came in so had to wait for them to move on
Fiona Ellen Crotty
Sep 2024
We waited about 15-20 min to be split into groups. Lines appeared quite short, so unsure if we reduced waiting time
Darby Bronson
Sep 2024
It was so smooth and easy. We checked in, got our ear pieces, had an introduction to our tour guide and off we went.
Margaret Dorman
Sep 2024
It wasn't too bad it was very wet & so many people .Our guide Danilo really looked after us the whole time
Richard Cecchini
Sep 2024
Not long. Probably minutes since it rained all morning until the early afternoon and we booked a late afternoon tour.
Peder Christian Haarbye
Sep 2024
There were no que at the entrance to Pompeii, so we did not save any time with the skip-the-line tickets.
Amanda Coleman
Sep 2024
No time at all. Our guide skipped any things that required us to wait in a queue and guided us at the end were to go if we wanted to go back. I thought this was a really good use of the allocated 2 hours.
Raymond Bleau
Aug 2024
We were able to skip the queue with our prepaid tickets. Without prepaid it would probably have taken 15-20 minutes.
Chad Monson
Aug 2024
The queue wasn't that long that day, but I was more interested in having a guide share some of the history.
Aug 2024
We didn't wait. Since I decided which tour to book it took me about 5 minutes to complete the process.
Monika Wasniowska
Aug 2024
This was the only downfall. incorrect information received in "information office" almost caused us to be late and miss the tour. The guide should be more visible at the meeting point.
Jennifer bennett
Aug 2024
The Queue to get into was very long. It was a really hot day and we were glad that we were able to jump the Q
Joao Carlos Freitas
Aug 2024
We didn't wait too long at all and we were taken staight into the ancient roman city where we all had an amzing experience.
Ingressos para Pompeia
-Acesso a Pompeia
- Explore de forma independente
- Mapa opcional / folheto informativo (a partir de € 9)
- Entrada opcional para o Museu Virtual de Pompeia (a partir de € 25)
- Duração: 7h30 - 12h
Opção mais barata, permitindo que você explore em seu próprio ritmo e se aprofunde em uma área específica
Não se aplica
Visita guiada e sem fila a Pompeia
-Acesso a Pompeia
- Entrada rápida
- Guia turístico profissional e multilíngue
- Duração: 2 horas
Otimize o tempo e faça um passeio estruturado a um ótimo preço
Inglês, italiano, espanhol, alemão, francês, português, japonês
Ingressos para Pompeia com audioguia
-Acesso a Pompeia
- Audioguia
- Duração: Flexível
Opção econômica para explorar de forma independente, em seu próprio ritmo e com comentários informativos
Italiano, inglês, francês, espanhol e alemão
Combo (economize 5%): Ingressos para Pompeia + Herculano
-Acesso a Pompeia
- Entrada rápida para Herculano
- Duração: Flexível
Desconto para visitar Pompeia e Herculano
Não aplicável
De Nápoles: Visita guiada a Pompeia com visita opcional a Herculano ou ao Vesúvio
- Viagem de um dia para Pompeia
- Translado de ida e volta de Nápoles
- Guia turístico profissional e multilíngue
- Opção de visita ao Monte Vesúvio ou Herculano (a partir de € 55)
- Duração: 4 horas
Para um passeio completo pela área vesuviana com a conveniência de traslados de Nápoles com um orçamento limitado
Inglês, espanhol
De Sorrento: Visita guiada a Pompeia com visita opcional ao Vesúvio
- Viagem de um dia a Pompeia
- Traslados de ida e volta de Sorrento
- Guia turístico profissional
- Visita opcional ao Vesúvio ou Herculano (+ € 60 / + € 75 para cima)
- Duração: 8 horas
Para uma viagem completa de um dia com traslados para viajantes hospedados em Sorrento
De Pompeia: Viagem de um dia ao Monte Vesúvio e Pompeia
- Acesso a Pompeia
- Acesso ao Monte Vesúvio
- Traslados de ida e volta de Pompeia
- Visita guiada opcional em Pompeia (a partir de € 42)
- Visita opcional a Herculano (a partir de € 41)
- Duração: 5h - 7h
Explore Pompeia e Vesúvio com traslados usando um único ingresso
Dedicado ao deus grego e romano Apolo, o templo tem 48 colunas jônicas e fica em um pódio alto. Nesse complexo, você encontrará uma estátua de bronze do arqueiro Apolo e o busto de Diana nos locais originais em que estavam antes de serem enterrados sob os escombros.
De 1º de abril a 31 de outubro: Das 9h às 19h (última entrada: 17h30)
De 1º de novembro a 31 de março: 9h às 17h (última entrada: 15h30)
Fechado: 25 de dezembro, 1º de maio e 1º de janeiro
Duração: Idealmente, seriam necessários dois dias para completar um passeio completo pelas ruínas; no entanto, é possível percorrer as principais partes da cidade em um dia.
Melhor época para visitar: A melhor época para visitar Pompeia é durante a primavera (abril a junho) ou o outono (setembro a outubro). Durante esses períodos, o clima é geralmente agradável, com temperaturas amenas e menos multidões, tornando-o confortável para explorar o sítio arqueológico.
Horário de funcionamento detalhado da PompeiiEndereço: 80045 Pompeia, Cidade Metropolitana de Nápoles, Itália
Há três entradas principais para entrar em Pompeia:
1. Porta Marina: a entrada principal de Pompeia, localizada do outro lado da rua da estação de trem Pompeii Scavi.
2. Piazza Anfiteatro: Localizada a leste de Pompeia, essa entrada fica a 15 minutos de caminhada da Porta Marina. É considerada a melhor entrada para passeios turísticos.
3. Piazza Esedra: Embora não seja muito longe da entrada da Porta Marina, a entrada da Piazza Esedra é muito menos movimentada e usada principalmente para excursões em grupo.
Qual entrada de Pompeia devo usar?Pompeii Scavi Café: esse é o único restaurante dentro dos muros de Pompeia, permitindo que os visitantes se reabasteçam durante a visita. No entanto, ele tende a ser mais caro.
Se, em vez disso, você quiser visitar um restaurante fora das ruínas, aqui estão algumas opções para você:
O vulcão responsável pela preservação de Pompeia e Herculano é uma visita obrigatória por sua importância histórica e vistas de tirar o fôlego. A caminhada até a cratera oferece uma oportunidade única de entender as forças geológicas que moldaram essas cidades antigas. Todos os ingressos para Pompeia não incluem um passeio ao vulcão; você terá de reservar ingressos que incluam especificamente um passeio ao Monte Vesúvio.
Ingressos para o Monte VesúvioUma cidade mais rica em comparação com Pompeia, Herculano oferece uma perspectiva diferente da vida romana antiga. Seu tamanho menor e a melhor preservação, especialmente de estruturas de madeira e itens domésticos, proporcionam uma visão mais íntima e detalhada da vida doméstica dos romanos, tornando-a uma visita obrigatória. Reserve uma excursão a Herculano para ter uma visão interessante do estilo de vida e da cultura de seu povo.
Ingressos para HerculanoO ingresso padrão para Pompeia inclui a entrada na antiga cidade de Pompeia. Você pode ficar o tempo que quiser e explorar as ruínas de uma ponta a outra. Dependendo da experiência que escolher, você poderá ter traslados de ida e volta entre Roma ou Nápoles e Pompeia, visitas guiadas ou até mesmo uma visita virtual que lhe permitirá ter uma perspectiva única da história de Pompeia.
Os ingressos sem filas de Pompeia permitem que você evite as longas filas e entre em Pompeia com acesso prioritário. Você pode economizar até 2 horas que, de outra forma, gastaria em longas filas de ingressos se optar por reservar no local. Bônus: aproveite a entrada prioritária e a experiência de um guia turístico experiente. Confira para uma experiência tranquila e sem complicações.
Um audioguia é uma ótima opção nesse caso. Como os guias geralmente conduzem os turistas por uma rota definida, você pode optar por traçar seu próprio curso sem perder informações cruciais reservando um tour com audioguia. Esses audioguias são de qualidade superior e podem ser obtidos em italiano, inglês, francês, espanhol ou alemão.
A é uma ótima opção para os visitantes de primeira viagem, pois você não só tem acesso rápido ao local, mas também se beneficia do conhecimento e da experiência de um guia turístico experiente. Se desejar, você também pode fazer um upgrade desse mesmo ingresso para contar com um arqueólogo em vez de um guia. Se você for novo na área, reservar uma viagem de um dia saindo de Nápoles ou Sorrento facilitará sua visita, pois o transporte será providenciado e você provavelmente terá um guia para ajudá-lo no local.
As visitas guiadas a Pompeia são conduzidas por guias profissionais que podem fornecer conhecimento aprofundado e percepções sobre a história e a importância do local. Além disso, elas geralmente incluem acesso prioritário, permitindo que você evite as longas filas e entre em Pompeia com facilidade. Eles também têm uma ótima relação custo-benefício, pois há tanto para ver nas ruínas que visitá-las com um especialista certamente cobrirá o que você poderia perder. Essa é uma ótima opção se você quiser fazer uma visita guiada:
O preço inicial dos ingressos para Pompeia é de mais de 22 euros, o que normalmente inclui a entrada em Pompeia. No entanto, observe que os preços podem variar com base em recursos adicionais, como visitas guiadas, época do ano e outros fatores. É sempre uma boa ideia verificar nossa seleção de experiências para obter as informações mais precisas e atualizadas.
Se estiver com orçamento limitado, considere reservar o ingresso padrão , no qual você pode explorar a atração por conta própria. Lembre-se de que não haverá benefícios adicionais, como evitar filas ou ter acesso a um guia. No entanto, você pode atualizar seu ingresso para comprar um mapa ou folheto que facilitará o passeio pelas ruínas. Por uma pechincha, você também pode reservar o Combo (economize 5%): Ingressos para Pompeia + Herculano para visitar essas duas atrações principais na região do Vesúvio.
Sim, cidadãos da UE com idade entre 18 e 25 anos podem se beneficiar de preços reduzidos em seus ingressos mediante a apresentação de um documento de identidade válido. Cidadãos da UE e de fora da UE com menos de 18 anos de idade, juntamente com professores permanentes ou contratados, têm entrada gratuita em Pompeia.
A política de cancelamento depende do tipo de bilhete que você escolher reservar. Embora a maioria das passagens ofereça reembolso total no cancelamento de passagens com até 24-48 horas de antecedência, algumas podem não oferecer reembolso no momento do cancelamento. Verifique os termos específicos antes de fazer sua reserva.
A reserva online de ingressos para Pompeia oferece várias vantagens:
- Preços competitivos: Com um inventário abrangente, escolha entre uma variedade de passeios, como passeios com audioguia, passeios sem fila e passeios guiados, com os melhores preços.
- Complementos: Faça o upgrade de seus ingressos para incluir benefícios adicionais, como entrada no Museu Virtual, mapas interativos etc.
- Entrada garantida: Por fim, durante a alta temporada, os ingressos podem não estar disponíveis e, com os ingressos reservados e prontos antes da viagem, sua entrada no local estará garantida.
- Passeios combinados e viagens de um dia: Você também pode aprimorar sua experiência escolhendo passeios combinados ou passeios de um dia. Ao visitar o Monte Vesúvio e Herculano, você terá uma ótima visão da região do Vesúvio.
-Descontos e ofertas: Ao fazer a reserva online, você também pode aproveitar alguns dos melhores descontos e ofertas especiais que não estão disponíveis na bilheteria:
- Serviço ao cliente: Você também terá atendimento ao cliente 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, por telefone, e-mail ou bate-papo, o que lhe permitirá resolver qualquer problema rapidamente.
Um passeio completo por Pompeia normalmente leva cerca de 2 a 3 horas, dependendo de seu ritmo e interesse. No entanto, se estiver reservando uma viagem de um dia, espere reservar o dia inteiro (7 a 12 horas) para viajar a Pompeia, explorar as ruínas, possivelmente ver outra atração, como o Monte Vesúvio ou Herculano, e retornar ao seu ponto de partida.
Pompeia pode ser acessada por suas três entradas principais: Porta Marina, Piazza Esedra ou Piazza Anfiteatro.
Sim. Vários caminhos foram construídos para garantir a facilidade de locomoção. Os visitantes com necessidades especiais podem entrar em Pompeia pela entrada da Piazza Anfiteatro.